The serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a specialist in radio technologies Sergey Beskrestov (Sergey Flesh) in his Telegram channel told about how to protect himself from these drones. The military reported that within two days the invaders attacked more than 20 Ukrainian FPV-Dron machines operating in the 500 MHz range. Given the lack of Ear modules against such frequencies, Sergei Beskrestnov recommends suppressing the video channel.
According to Sergiy Beskrest, the UAV flies over 13 kilometers, it indicates that the enemy uses repeaters. The drones are flying high, so you can determine their location with the help of a TCI diaper, and then "hit" obstacles with a directional antenna from a WiFi-point in the 5,8 GHz range to suppress video signal. After that, the operator will not be able to see the image from the camera, and therefore control the device.
If there is no appropriate equipment, then Sergei Beskrestnov advises to suppress the entire range. To suppress VTX video transmitter, you need 2-3 modules of 50 watts. The expert emphasized that Ukrainian FPV drones may also be affected, so the military should coordinate the work of the EWS with command. "In fact, the enemy arranged the safari," said Sergei Beskrestnov.
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