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Not yet closing the Ukrainian issue, Russia is already beginning to look at the ...

NATO is on the Kremlin's sight. Where is the Russian Federation going after Ukraine

Not yet closing the Ukrainian issue, Russia is already beginning to look at the next victim - this time in Europe, writes military analyst Konstantin Mashovets, citing a report of some Western intelligence. Although this is not predicted in the coming years - but is likely. Trump Trump, but it is interesting that the further development of the situation on the European continent is not the European politicians, but European intelligence . . .

Some "squeaks" from such an interesting report of intelligence analysts, let's say so, one of the North European countries. However, given the whole set of measures in the political, military, economic and information spheres, it is extremely active for it. Moreover, the report contains a clear definition - over time, the probability of a direct armed clash between the Russian Federation and the Alliance (especially its European members) will grow steadily.

Concerning the influence of the possible termination of the direct armed clash of Ukraine and Russia on the general military-political situation on the European continent, the report states that from this point: the report is especially distinguished by the increasing aggressiveness The fact that in this matter, the Russian Federation and China are apparently "within the limits of bilateral agreements of a global nature.

" According to the authors of the report, it is the "Arctic issue" that can serve as a kind of trigger for a large -scale war on the continent. The Russian Federation is likely to refrain from actions of a military nature (with the use of armed force) to European territories and water areas belonging to the "Arctic Basin". But this will depend on the "global conflict resolution" between the US and the PRC, including in the Arctic.

In the event of an exacerbation in the Arctic between the United States and the Russian Federation or between the US and China, the likelihood of "military influence" by the Russian Federation in the specified territories and waters will increase sharply. The authors of the report predict the sharp activation of not military, the so-called "hybrid" actions of the Russian Federation, which "formally do not cross the boundaries of Article 5 of NATO Statute. " First of all, it is in the Arctic . . .

in particular, the tests of new types of weapons, large -scale military exercises and armed provocations in border areas, or those under "international jurisdiction".

The report also contains specific information on the gradual increase in the volume of activity and activation of agent reconnaissance and deiversary networks of the Russian Federation in a number of European countries, in particular among those where it is recorded-Great Britain, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Italy.

The main areas of their activity are the preparation and implementation of sabotage (mostly disguised) against the significant in the military and military-economic sense which are critical of the level of security and defense of European countries. It is noticeable that the authors of the report directly impose the pace and the level of growth of the military threat to European countries by the Russian Federation with the content, course and results of its aggression against Ukraine.

According to their conclusion, if the Russian Federation in one form or another receives access to the main volumes of the resource and technological base of Ukraine, these rates can be significantly accelerated. Moreover, in their opinion, it can happen not only as a result of direct military defeat of Ukraine, but also through its "internal political processes", in particular caused by "results of war".

As far as I understand (this is a personal opinion), European intelligence services are fully allowing the collaboration of a certain part of the current Ukrainian "ruling class" from the Russian Federation - either immediately "after the war" or even in its course . . .

as for me, this report, though, though It does not speak directly, but "thick hints" that the current Russian-Ukrainian war is only a prologue to a more global "clash" and "redistribution" in the world, including on the European continent. The hint that the Kremlin, in fact, in this sense is such a "global proxy of Beijing", is also obvious enough there. All this is a "eating" of one of the European intelligence, of course, can please.

But in relation to our interests, it is much more interesting - what are the conclusions of these analytical "reports" and "notes" by European politicians and officials that are relevant to decision making? Obviously, they will always have a "glass" as a "glass". Especially since tanks, guns and shells instead of butter and bacon-no one wants.