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Experts noticed an interesting decision of Russian tankers who installed blocks ...

"Contact" by "relict": as the tankers of the Russian Federation enhance the protection of the T-90 in the field (photo)

Experts noticed an interesting decision of Russian tankers who installed blocks of dynamic protection of various modifications on the upper frontal detail of tanks. The network appeared on the network of the Russian main combat tank T-90m "Breakthrough", which was equipped with an interesting set of protective elements. In particular, in the video published by BTVT.

info, you can see that on the upper frontal part of the tank over the dynamic protection "relict" there are blocks of dynamic protection "Contact". In the comments under the video it is said that the frames were shot in the fall of 2023, while the authors of the publication noted that this refinement was implemented in handicraft conditions. Defense Express experts drew attention to the publication. They write that the attempt to reinforce the booking of the T-90 looks at least interesting.

And if earlier the Russians were established "contact" on areas that were not covered by dynamic protection at all, then in this case it is about installing two sets one on the other. "It is important here that one dynamic protection is set on the other, and even objectively interesting how all this should work," the observers write.

Experts also noted that Russian tankers have finally realized the inefficiency of the grid with metal elements, which at the enterprises are established between the tower and the corps of modernized tanks T-90, T-72 and T-80BM. In order to somehow solve this problem, the enemy began to cling to her the same containers with "contact". Moreover, the T-90 tanks found themselves without the usual already "barbecue"-metal screens that cover the upper projection of the tower.

However, the grilles are mounted on the feed of the machine in the area of ​​the motor-transport department. It should be noted that experts did not assess the effectiveness of such a decision. But obviously, the enemy is trying to find new ways to protect combat equipment in a situation where the most advanced machines are vulnerable to the anti -tank means of Ukrainian fighters in the course of gaining experience in hostilities.