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Russia could use the Krasukha-C4 and Tobol systems for the silence of navigation...

Russia's response: France has suddenly begun training with satellite communications - media

Russia could use the Krasukha-C4 and Tobol systems for the silence of navigation in the Baltic region, French journalists believe. In France, on May 27, Black Crown 24 training began, in which air and space forces should study the principle of operation of radio electronic struggle (EWS) that suppress satellite navigation signals (GNSS), as well as to work out ways of counteraction.

This happens against the backdrop of maritime and air navigation in the Baltic region, which is probably worth the Russian Federation, writes the Opex360 portal. It is reported that from May 27 to June 7, 2024, part of the airspace of France will be closed for experiments with the HRS. The corresponding notification had to appear in advance in the Meteor system from the Civil Aviation Safety Management (DSAC), but this did not happen.

This was issued a message for pilots (notam) from the French Federation of Free Aviation (FFVL). "We assume that Black Crown 24 has been prepared recently," experts of the specialized Aerovf portal said. The Notam said the Air Force would suppress GNSS using large equipment at several sites. The military is expected to silence the signal only 2-3 hours a day in a certain area centered in the Pui-D-D-D-D-Dae Schelon Department-within 160 kilometers and at a height of 1.

5 kilometers, and in a radius of 320 kilometers at a height . "The purpose of these exercises is to work out the actions of crews to perform land support tasks in an electromagnetic environment, disturbed by GPS obstacles," the message reads. The publication emphasized that for several months in the Baltic region there were serious violations in GNSS. The failures affected marine navigation and air movement.

The authors of the publication believe that Moscow can stand according to these violations, since the Russians have modern remedies of HPV. Examples mention the Krasukha-C4 and Tobol systems, which are located, in particular, in Kaliningrad. Recall that on March 1, the GPSJAM service recorded obstacles of GPS signal over most of Poland, over the Baltic Sea and partly over Germany with Sweden.

The probable reason could be the complex of electronic struggle "Borisoglibsk-2", which the Russians had already tested in the Kaliningrad region. The Commander of the Naval Forces of Sweden, Eve Haslum Sweden, said on April 9, that the Russian intervention in the GPS global system in the Baltic Sea is dangerous and needs NATO reaction. British servicemen during NATO's exercises in Estonia also warned that Russia's agents were watching them using their mobile phones.