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According to Valery Ryabykh, about 7 arsenals are in the potential reach of the ...

Arsenal blow in Toropka: What else similar goals can impress the Armed Forces - Defense Express

According to Valery Ryabykh, about 7 arsenals are in the potential reach of the means of the defeat at a distance of 650-700 kilometers for the missile "Palyanitsa". In Russia, there are about 20 arsenals similar to what Ukraine's defense forces were attacked in the Tver region. The director of development of information and consulting company Defense Express Valery Ryabikh told this on the air "Espresso".

According to him, approximately 7 arsenals are in the potential reach of the means of the defeat at a distance of 650-700 kilometers for the missile "Palyanitsa". Moreover, it was these weapons that could be affected by the warehouse in Toropka. "There is a video where a sound -like sound that is used in a rocket launcher is heard. So this reach is up to seven units of a similar class of arsenals, although most of them are smaller in size and inventory," the expert said.

He also reported that the warehouses are located along the lines of supply of troops. Some of them are located near the affected object. "A number of objects are stretched by the territory of Russia from north to south. One of these arsenals is located in the North Caucasus," Ryabikh said.

As for the impact on the arsenal in Toropka, according to the expert, the enemy could hide some aspects of construction of such warehouses due to a high level of corruption in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. "Many officials are already sitting for corruption crimes. On the other hand, it is impossible to underestimate the skill of the armed forces that have found such warehouses.

Special tactical techniques of use and means of penetrating main parts that can reach protected storage facilities are required to damage the underground warehouses. ", - added Ryabikh. Earlier it was reported that new satellite images of the consequences of blows in the BC in Toropka appeared. The warehouses stored missiles for Iskander and Point-U, North Korean missiles KN23, missiles at the Grad RSSU, as well as operated aviation bombs. After hit, they detonated several hours.