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The most problems of the attack of new drones are caused to the defenders of Ukr...

"Became a nightmare for the Armed Forces": As the nocturnal drones of Russia and why were not used before

The most problems of the attack of new drones are caused to the defenders of Ukraine, who are crossed through the Dnieper in the southern direction at night, said a military specialist in radio technologies with the call sign "Flash". In recent weeks, the FPV-pions with a night vision system have become the main technical innovation of the Russian army. The Ukrainian military specialist in radio technologies Sergey Beskrestnov with the pseudonym "Flash" told in an interview with focus.

At night, under the cover of darkness, the most active movements occur on the forefront: rotation of personnel, evacuation of the wounded, transportation of ammunition, movement of equipment, etc. According to Sergiy Flesh, the Russians recently began to use night drones-Kamikadze, which was caught by the Armed Forces by surprise, since the Ukrainian units were not ready for it. "Now, in response, we also have moved to the tactics of night attacks and increase the number of drones.

This is what has changed right now in the FPV strategy," the military said. He added that the idea of ​​installing on a FPV type FPV for night vision is not new, such tools have already used both sides on the front, but its installation increases the cost of the device approximately twice. Because of this, Russian and Ukrainian troops used night drones. Russia was the first to put production on the stream, purchasing about a thousand nights of night vision in China.

It was a very effective solution at night, as the drones managed to attack critical facilities of the Armed Forces before the defenders had time to take action. "In the last three weeks, this has become literally a nightmare for us, very many nightmare attacks. A special problem is attacking our boats and boats, which are crossed at night across the Dnieper in the south," - said Sergei Flesh.

Night FPV-drones have the same advantages and disadvantages as Danny, for example, as well as vulnerable to radio electronic fight. Their only difference is the night vision systems, which are divided into three categories: in November, Sergei Beskrestnov warned that the Russian army began to use FPV-drones even at night. Then he advised to defend himself from night UAVs just as from night vision devices.