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According to Sergiy Alimov, the behavior of some CCC staff who grab men just in ...

"Like in the 90s": The captain of the Armed Forces told how the CCC employees violate the law (video)

According to Sergiy Alimov, the behavior of some CCC staff who grab men just in the street exceed the authority, which threatens prison imprisonment. The captain of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Serhiy Alimov responded to the excess of some employees of the CCCC his powers in the framework of mobilization. He stressed that the military committees should be criminally liable. The military told about it in a conversation by journalist Yuri Romanenko.

According to the Captain of the Armed Forces, the behavior of some of the CCC staff who grab men just in the street is "90s, for which they gave ten years. " According to Sergiy Alimov, such actions can be regarded as a person's abduction, for which there is criminal liability - according to Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Unlawful imprisonment or theft of a person" (sanction provides imprisonment for a term of 5 to 10 years).

"Today is not the case that you have to take to twist, bring and not let a person let go," the military says. The captain of the Armed Forces adds that no one can keep a person against their will, even police officers. According to him, the law is limited to the maximum detention time of three hours. During this time, law enforcement officers establish the necessary data of the person, then release it.

Sergiy Alimov stressed that when the CCC staff introduce men on the knee in an empty form, where there is only a seal and signature of the head of the military enlistment office, it can be described as a fake. The captain of the Armed Forces notes that for such forgery of documents it is possible to obtain a sentence in the form of imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years according to Art.

355 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Forcing to fulfill or failure to fulfill civil liability" the military emphasized that data on conscripts are provided to the military enlistment offices by local self-government bodies. Further, the employee of the Tax Code must fully fill the document, enter all the data of the man there, and then hand over at his place of residence. Only in this case will their actions comply with the current law.