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President Volodymyr Zelensky, stating that he had no vacation in war, asked the ...

Dangerous braking: Why Zelensky calls allies to activate weapons supply

President Volodymyr Zelensky, stating that he had no vacation in war, asked the Allies to accelerate the provision of military assistance to Ukraine. Why there is currently inhibition of weapons and shells from partners and when the process enters the stabilization track, found out the focus. Volodymyr Zelenskyy states the need to speed up the supply of weapons and shells from partners: "We need a speed. We are very much asking for. There are no vacations in the war.

The necessary solutions are needed, timely logistics of the declared packages is needed. Especially I contact the United States now, to the United Kingdom, to France" . Meanwhile, the President did not mention Germany, although there are many questions about further support by Berlin in Kiev. In particular, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported that Germany will not allocate additional funds to help Ukraine.

It is noted that the reason for this is the "rigid economy" measures from the Ministry of Finance there. The corresponding request of Finance Minister Christian Lindner submitted in a letter to the Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius on August 5.

The newspaper emphasizes that the ban is already in force and the situation for Ukraine may also get worse, as planned military support is planned to be reduced almost twice the next year and then reduced to less than a tenth of the current amount in 2027.

In addition, according to FAS, the Scholz government was unable to provide funding for servicing the new IRIS-T air defense system, which the manufacturer was ready to transfer to Kiev after the July blow of the Russian Federation at the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital.

At the same time, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany Alexei Makeev in a comment to Bild called the German government not to reduce military assistance to Ukraine: "Europe's security depends on the political will of Germany to continue to play a leading role in supporting Ukraine. We hope that the German government will find ways to finance our needs This year and that the Bundestag will speak firmly and clearly about the budget for 2025.

The experts with whom the focus spoke, emphasizing that the pro-enemies with the supply of military assistance to Ukraine by allies are rather situational, warn that any delays today can have extremely negative consequences in the future.

In particular, the Head of the Center for Military Legal Research Alexander Musienko in conversation with Focus notes: "Supply of long-range weapons is now very, very relevant, since at the time of the offensive actions of Ukraine in Kur Region it would help Ukrainian troops more actively and faster on the one hand and on the other, and on the other - It would not allow Russia to actively deploy its units for defense.

Emphasizing that it is extremely important right now by ATACams and Storm Shadow, the expert stated: "That is why the president identified in his call by the USA, France and the United Kingdom, because it is a sense of moment and, in particular, that through Kursk operations The so -called red lines were erased.

Actually, that is why the President asks to pay attention to the successes that Ukraine now has and support it, because it is a good chance for Ukrainian troops to gain a serious advantage. " The expert emphasizes that in matters of weapons it is important not only in itself transmission but also promptness, "because sometimes untimely supply significantly weakens the effect of the very fact of its transmission.

" Commenting on the discussions in Germany around the supply of weapons to Ukraine, the expert stated the following: "The final decision is not yet made here, the debate is ongoing, and Ukraine insists and asks our German allies to keep the funding at least at the level of this year. But we see that in Germany in Germany There are some moods and votes, in particular, which insist on the need to reduce assistance to Ukraine.

But as assets and funds, they can be allocated for the signing of weapons production contracts by German companies. " According to Alexander Musienko, a serious problem is that if German corporations that produce or repair weapons for Ukraine will not have stable amounts of financing, they will stop laying appropriate production and repair volumes for the coming years.

In turn, the chief consultant of the Center for Foreign Policy Studies of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Ivan MS in conversation with focus plays the following emphasis: "Pessimistic moods in the Allied camp prevailed in Kursk operation, as it was impressed that the Russian Federation was coming and Ukraine loses its initiative. Our allies to think that Ukraine may not be able to win this war, and if it is not able to help it.

I reply: "In order to return the initiative and to see this initiative, first of all, our partners. " exactly". Emphasizing that Donbas did not forget the Russians in Pokrovsky and other directions was still ongoing, the expert stated that now the focus of attention was completely switched to the Kursk region. "Currently, this is a global focus.

As a person who has given more than four hundred comments from the Arab media since the start of a full-scale war, I can say that after October 2023 they were not very interested The interview with the Arab media, including the leading channel of Al Jazeera (al-Jazira. -Ed. ) This sense of Ukraine's return to the global agenda, in my opinion, will change, in particular, the rhetoric on the need to reduce assistance to Ukraine, "Ivan Us emphasizes.