This was announced by the military expert and observer of the Information Resistance group Alexander Kovalenko in his Telegram channel on June 11. "The project of a remote control tank arose in the USSR in the late 1970s and 1980s was flooded with crazy money and the main base was then not excellent T-64, controversial, but still not lost T-80, but defective and poor T -72. He added that 30 years later, the "Russian Kulibins" took him from a saw box and decided to present it as something new.
"It is a cute, but there is a nuance. Given the losses of Russian occupation troops, especially among crews, to prepare a more or less basic crew for a new combat vehicle in the Russians is no longer enough time. In turn, tanks are now or stupidly break through the defense lines. Or perform the function of artillery.
According to him, because of this, he does not treat such a "project" of the Russians, because although they will not bring him to the level of a fully remote-discharged fighting machine on the battlefield, but will still find him. It should be reminded that on June 10 it was reported that in the area of responsibility of the group of troops "Dnipro" of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Zaporozhye tried a tank of T-72A on radio control.