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American experts say this launch of a rocket is alarming, as there may be a thre...

Chinese rocket collapsed on parts after launching satellites into space: what did it lead to (photo)

American experts say this launch of a rocket is alarming, as there may be a threat to other devices in orbit. Chinese Changzhen-6A rocket on Tuesday, August 6, brought out the first 18 satellites from the future group of Qianfan online satellites, which should consist of 14,000 devices in low Earth orbit by the end of this decade. But as a result, the upper stage of the rocket collapsed into parts, which led to the appearance of more than 300 fragments of space debris.

Such fragments can be a threat to other satellites in orbit, Space writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! The Changozhen-6A rocket launcher successfully brought 18 online satellites to a low Earth orbit at an altitude of 800 km.

But the upper stage of the rocket, shortly after the satellites deploy in orbit, collapsed into parts and such a cloud was formed from the debris that now rotated around the Earth. According to the US Space Command, more than 300 space debris is currently observed after the Chinese missile is destroyed. So far, these fragments do not pose a threat to other apparatus in orbit, but the US military continues to monitor the new garbage that has occurred in space.

Special detectors can track the movement of space debris fragments with a diameter of at least 10 cm. Probably a new cloud of garbage also consists of smaller fragments that are very difficult to track. American space experts from Slingshot Aerospace say this launch of a rocket is alarming. After all, if the next sets of satellites will occur during each starting sets of satellites, more and more space debris, it can be a serious threat to the orbit devices.

It is not the first time that the Changozhen-6A rocket launcher, which weighs almost 6 tons without fuel, causes new space debris in orbit. According to experts, the upper stage of the rocket was already falling apart in November 2022 after the launch of the Yunhai-3 meteorological satellite. The result was 533 fragments of space debris that was detected. In the orbit around the Earth, not only more different satellites, but also space debris becomes.

According to the European Space Agency, approximately 10,000 satellites operating around the Earth and more than 40,000 fragments of space debris with a diameter of not less mm. As focus has already wrote, astronomers concluded that more than 4. 4 billion years ago, in addition to the moon, other satellites were also circling around the Earth, which were the fragments of our planet.