It is reported that such "shot" can only be made by a specialized laboratory for the Ministry of Defense. Bribops for defense forces are fired repeatedly. Krivosheya emphasized that bulletproof vests cannot be purchased abroad on prepayment without proper quality checking - it is necessary to control the entire production process. According to the investigation.
According to the authors of the publication, during the check of a new winter jacket, which was handed over to the serviceman, it was found that the jacket was of poor quality and makes a sound that rustle. Because of this, the military may be in danger when the enemy is near. On the tag of the jacket is a Mimaltemer Ltd label-a Bulgarian firm, in the period 2022-2023. It sent an Armed Forces about 50 thousand jackets and pants. The state had to pay 8. 5 million euros for this.
The court register has a number of documents for bulletproof vests of the same company, which was transferred in the amount of 80. However, after the bulletproof vests were sent to the Ukrainian military during the examinations conducted during the investigation, they found that they were unsuitable for hostilities. According to journalists, the Bulgarian firm received 86. 5 million euros in 2022: 78 - for bulletproof vests, 8. 5 - for army.
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