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To spread: The report of the end of the war, which Vladimir Putin will proclaim ...

In social networks, they wrote about Putin, who will announce on February 24: What is known

To spread: The report of the end of the war, which Vladimir Putin will proclaim on February 24, was published in almost twenty Ukrainian Telegram channels. On the evening of February 23, a series of reports appeared on the Telegram social network to end the war, which seems to happen on February 24. It is indicated that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will announce it. There is also a link to Fox News, which publishes news from the United States and White House.

The focus gathered information about Putin's statement. The network has published a message of the same content that referred to Putin's statement, which sounds on February 24. At the same time, they say that FOX News wrote about it, and there are no other details. One of these messages appeared at 22:13 in the Telegram channel with two million subscribers. In general, the search shows, approximately, up to 20 channels with such a statement. Similar messages spread on the social network X.

For example, there was a series of messages of the same content, but in English. The Fox News portal failed to find a reference to the news that would talk about Putin's statement about the victory over NATO, which he will declare on February 24. The latest reports with reference to this agency - the publication of the TASS on the interview of Pentagon's head, which stated that "the US military will not be on the territory of Ukraine.

" In addition, Roszma also did not write about the possible performances of the Kremlin head and did not refer to Western sources. It should be noted that on February 21, the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense warned the statement of the Russian authorities, which will probably appear on February 24. The intelligence officers stated that the Kremlin would declare the war and the victory over NATO.

GUR also lists other messages that will be used in Russian information and psychological operations. Among them are "betrayal of the West", "Agreement on the back of Ukraine", "The illegitimacy of the Ukrainian authorities", "not weighing the US for the interests of EU and Ukraine". Meanwhile, on February 23, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky was held on February 23. Zelensky answered questions of journalists for over two hours.