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According to the political technologist Alexei Golobutsky, the Russians continue...

"Steeper than in Bucha": Russian neo -Nazis launched cynical advertising (photo)

According to the political technologist Alexei Golobutsky, the Russians continue to praise the horrors of the massacre in Bucha. At the same time, they used the symbolism related to Scandinavian mythology in the absence of their own to advertise their products. In St. Petersburg, kits of vitamins and stimulants called "Ozverin Set" from Russian neo-Nazis from Rusich DSHRG, which varies from $ 63 to $ 72, appeared on sale.

On the package, the slogan is advertised: "Take everything and will be steeper than in Bucha!". The Ukrainian political technologist Alexei Holobutsky writes about it in his Telegram channel. He stressed that this advertisement causes special indignation because it praises the horrors that occurred in Bucha, where the civilian population of Ukraine became victims of torture, murders and rapes by the Russian occupation troops.

"What" peaceful arrangements ", if they are proud of torture and consider the murder, torture and rape of Ukrainian women, babies, children with a model? Even if some arrangement is, it will only pause. After which the aggressor will attack again - because it considers it correct and worthy of pride ", - Holobutsky writes. In addition, the Russian neo -Nazis did not refrain from borrowing Scandinavian religious symbolism and aster mythology.

According to Golobutsky, this step testifies to the lack of its own cultural identity and an effort to assign elements of European culture under the guise of "Tozhaslavian". In fact, the so -called "Slavic gods", which neo -Nazis refer to, have nothing to do with Russia. The advertising post is evident that one of the main "chips" of advertising is that the products are allegedly developed and tested by Russian fighters from a sabotage and assault intelligence group (DSHRG) "Rusich".

The members of this group are known for their neo -Nazi beliefs, especially their leader Alexei Milchakov, who was repeatedly photographed with the Wehrmacht flag. Rusich DSRG operated in Donbass in 2014-2015, supporting the pro-Russian fighters "L/DNR". After the start of a full -scale invasion of Russia, they reappeared in Ukraine. In April 2022, information was injured in the telegram channels that Alexei Milchakov, the head of the neo-Nazi group, was injured in the Luhansk region.