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French President Emmanuel Macron seeks to create a coalition of states ready to ...

Press the Kremlin. Why Macron creates an international military coalition for Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron seeks to create a coalition of states ready to send military instructors to Ukraine to train Ukrainian soldiers. How such a decision of the Allies can affect the overall military-political atmosphere, found out the focus.

The fact that Emanel Macron initiates the creation of an international coalition of military instructors for their departure directly to Ukraine, with reference to diplomatic sources reports Le Monde "Sending French and European instructors to Ukraine can be a matter of weeks or even days.

According to our information, French The authorities are trying to create a coalition from willing countries for the preparation of Ukrainian military, which are under the siege of the Russian army, " - the French edition notes.

The LE Monde sources predict that consultations on this issue can be greatly accelerated in the near future "for a possible announcement during the visit of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to France on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of landing in Normandy on June 6 and 7.

" It is noted separately that the issue of sending instructors to Ukraine was referred to as Macron's discussions during a recent meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholts, although both leaders were not declared in public. The experts with whom the focus spoke is convinced that the probable "Macron coalition" will play not only the military but also the political role.

"In fact, international instructors who are preparing our military have long been in Ukraine, but it is very important that it can now be announced in public. This testifies to a certain diplomatic pressure of our partners on the Russian Federation on the eve of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. Hence. By the way, "feet grow" and talk about permission to beat foreign weapons in the Russian territory, " - said political scientist Alexander Kochetkov in a conversation with focus.

In his opinion, the Macron, as well as representatives of other NATO member countries, "who do not want to declare the war of the Russian Federation," try to "slowly cook the Russian frog, gradually raising the temperature and increasing the position of Ukraine. " "The introduction of instructors from different countries to Ukraine is one of the intermediate steps to participate, but the greater integration of NATO countries into the Russian -Ukrainian war. It is a very, very positive step.

Where do these instructors will be -non -knowing, so Russia will be forced or go The risk of escalation and exacerbation with NATO countries, or in some way to curtail its rocket activity. As we say, the fun. Creating an international coalition of military instructors is a serious call for Russia, as a conversation with focus, the executive director of the Center for Applied Political Research "Penta" Alexander Leonov.

"Russia states that, even in the presence of international military instructors in Ukraine in Ukraine, it will continue to strike, but whether it will dare - this is a big question. I am convinced that when foreign soldiers will appear here, which will prepare Ukrainian soldiers, Russia will warn about locations. That there were no old games about "them there are no" and they say, they did not know. , - the expert says.

In his opinion, the decision on the presence of international military in Ukraine, obviously the Verkhovna Rada should be made and its corresponding decision must be blurred, "in order to give the military-political leadership of the country the possibility of a quick appeal to the allies about the introduction of additional parts, etc. ". Emphasizing that from a political point of view, Mr.

Macron's initiative is "it is a rather interesting game that Russia is afraid of Russia", Alexander Leonov stated the following: "Another important nuance is that these instructors will be modernized training centers, including At the expense of those countries that will send us all this infrastructure will remain in Ukraine and this can solve one of the key problems of mobilization. .

The creation of an international coalition of military instructors is, among other things, an important political decision, because it will be the first solution to the official presence of NATO troops after the start of a full -scale war in Ukraine, political scientist Oleshchuk emphasizes in conversation with focus. According to the expert, it can be an important precedent for future expansion of such presence. "At this stage, the precedent is important in itself.

It remains only to wait for it to be brought to life, because, undoubted Under no circumstances, etc. " - says Petro Oleshchuk. At the request of focus to model the situation, predicting the alleged reaction of the Allies to the missile arrival to the location point attached to the case of international instructors.