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Mr. Minister Austin! Thank you for your support and leadership. It is really fel...

It is necessary to knock out the instrument of terror from the hands of Russia - the President's speech at a meeting of the contact group on defense of Ukraine in Ramstein format

Mr. Minister Austin! Thank you for your support and leadership. It is really felt that Ramstein's team is a real warrior. Dear ministers, dear generals! I am grateful to each of you for your tirelessness and for the strong joint decisions that you made for us, for our whole people. Thank you very much. Mr. General Brown! You participate in the Ramstein meeting for the first time today, and I think it is very symbolic, considering your combat path-a battle pilot, F-16 pilot.

I am sure that together we will all do many good things to protect freedom. Jens, Mr. Secretary General! I am grateful to you for faith in Ukraine, for the confidence that Ukraine will be among the Allies in the Alliance. Ladies and Gentlemen! The next Monday will be the 600th day of our resistance to full-scale aggression of Russia against our people, against Ukraine. And today no one will say exactly how many more days will have to defend our independence and identity.

But now you can say a few things that are important. The first is that Putin will not receive Ukraine. Second, Russia will not pull a new arms race. And third: democracy is able to win this battle, and its victory is needed not only in our country, but every nation, all over the world. Our time is not the time for the captivity of peoples. You all know that Moscow ambitions have never been limited to Ukraine.

And we all want these ambitions to lose in Ukraine - this is the best opportunity - as soon as possible, so that you do not have to look for shells and supply tanks to other countries of Europe, Asia or Africa, which the Russian dictator can try to turn into ruins or capture into their crazy empire. Or the area of ​​influence. I know that NATO is ready and is able to protect its members from external aggression. And let us not have to test it in reality.

I know what steps can protect Europe and the world from spreading Russian aggression. And I know that it is necessary to accelerate the fair end of this war. I will emphasize: a fair completion. Full protection of our sovereignty, complete restoration of our territorial integrity, complete guarantee of Ukraine's security after aggression. Now we are in a special situation on the forefront. In a situation where it is important to press. Without any pauses. This is very important - without any pauses.

You all understand the principles of effective protection. It is such protection that does not leave the enemy to rest, to restore strength, to choose some other tactics of action. To date, Russia has lost its initiative. We click on it. We! It is Ukrainian courage and your support that determine what is happening on the battlefield and, most importantly, what will happen on the battlefield.

Although the invaders are still trying to storm our positions, and although protection and our counter -offensive actions are very difficult, still Ukraine, our warriors are those who determine the course of events. Russia does not cope with this war on its own. You see it. She needs Iran - without Shahmed and other help Russia cannot. She needs North Korea. Imagine this: for the first time in its history, Moscow went to Pyongyan.

The Black Sea Fleet of Russia runs away from our sea drones and missiles as far as possible. Traditional buyers of Russian weapons see how more efficient is the weapon that the free world is making and which Ukrainians use. Russia, although slowly, but confidently emerges from different points of geopolitical faults in the world, because it lacks its strength. But at the same time, it still has enough resources to ignite conflicts and turn them into full -scale tragedies.

This is also happening in the Sachel, it can happen even more painful in Israel and in the Middle East region as a whole. We should not allow this. We can not allow! We have to press even more powerful so that the aggressor weakens faster and does not have time to adapt to our pressure. We must guarantee that Russia goes to defeat and will not even try to claim something else.

One of the most remedial battles is the battle against the Kremlin's key tool, its greatest perverted pride, the pride of the terrorist. Last winter, Russia wanted to turn weapons against us by destroying our power plants and a supply network. I am grateful to all of you, every country, every leader who helped us with air defense and energy equipment. It was truly saving life for all of us, our people, our children.

It is obvious that this winter Russia will try to repeat that tactics, but by drawing some conclusions and increasing terrorist efforts. Please note that even during the attack on Israel, terrorists have struck one of the largest power plants in the region. Until last winter, when Russia relied on such tactics, other terrorists did not do similar within such attacks. Of course, our task now is to go through this difficult period, this winter.

But in reality, the real power of this task, if implemented, is much greater than passing only this winter. Air Force is a good part of the answer to the question of when this war is over and whether it is right for Ukraine. I am sure it can be the case. It will be like that. Everyone see what gives the sky protection. This is a guarantee that there will be a normal life in cities. There will be an economy. There will be people.

Aircraft of a large radius of action can also provide things such as the functioning of our corridors in the Black Sea and in the Danube region. The air defense will guarantee that Russian aircraft will not be able to approach our borders, and therefore it will overcome the problem of Russian managed aircraft. We all need such a momentum now. A step forward in our defense. Air defense. For Ukraine it will be a victory of life. This is vital.

For Russia, it will be the failure of its key strategy - terror strategy. What will she stay except? It is necessary to protect people. It is necessary to live and accumulate economic activity. Normal exports are required. Grain is the key to global food safety. Ukrainian grain. Then metallurgy. Other goods of our export. It is the economic basis of life.

We need children to study at school, not online, and that people do not live from anxiety, but according to their vision of days, weeks, and better - months. When this happens, most of our people who have found temporary shelter abroad will start returning. Millions of Ukrainians! Those who found temporary shelter abroad. The stronger we will be socially and economically, the more powerful we will be in the military sense.

We will be able to ensure the operation of more and capacity of defense industries in Ukraine. We can depend significantly less on the help of partners. We will be able to give more support for the forefront. Dear friends! We have to win the winter battle against terror. We can win. And with her - to win the battle for how this war will end. Ukraine can withstand. Stands. However, it is important to knock out weapons from the hands of our enemy.

What are the strengths of Russia? To be honest, they can only destroy life. Russia is nothing more capable of doing. Safety donor? No. Development Contribator? No. Political Pole? No. Source of economic growth? No. Terrorist? So. The only one! That threatens both Ukraine and many other nations. It is necessary to knock this tool out of the hands of Russia - a tool of terror. The answer is air defense and other types of weapons that we will discuss and which my team will share with you.

And, among other things, please remember that it will not only bring the fair end of the war for us, but will also keep the war as far away from you, from your borders and your allies - the Alliance. Missiles and drones will not fall in Romania, or Poland, or anywhere, if they cannot overcome the protection of the Ukrainian sky. Terrorists, like Putin or Hamas, seek to keep hostages free and democratic nations. They want power over those who seek freedom. Terrorists will not change.