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The release of the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny can ...

"Everything will remember after the war": as the resignation of Zaluzhny will affect Ukrainians

The release of the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny can cause apathy and disappointment in society, experts say. This can lead to protests after the war. The focus understood what social consequences could have the resignation of the head. For the first time, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has confirmed for the first time that he considers the need for personnel changes of the country's military leadership.

Answering the question of TG1 director Jana Marko Kyocchi about the media reports of Valery Zaluzhny's possible release, the president said that restarted. "It is a question that concerns people who have to lead Ukraine. Definitely needed restart, a new start. I have something serious in thought that concerns not one person but direction of the country's leadership. When we talk about it, I mean replacement a number of government officials, not just in one sector, for example, in the army.

I think of this replacement, but we cannot say that we will replace one person here, "the President said. It is known that rumors about the possible resignation of Zaluzhny renewed last week. Information with reference to sources aware of the situation appeared in a number of media and was voiced by opposition politicians.

In social networks, Ukrainians expressed support for the current commander -in -chief of the Armed Forces and were outraged by personnel changes that are probably preparing in the President's office. The resignation of the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny will lead to what social consequences will lead to what social consequences. Some believe that opposition policies take advantage of organizing controlled excitement within the country.

This can lead to an attempt to organize street protests with further pressure on the President to change his decision. Others are convinced that since the rallies in wartime are forbidden, the authorities will be able to engage in repressive mechanisms before attempting to oppose the society.

The only thing experts agree - the resignation of the Armed Forces Commissar will lead to a sharp decline in the level of trust of society to the President, because in Zaluzhny high support in both military and civilian circles. "It seems to me that we exaggerate the importance of the Armed Forces Commander -in -Chief. In fact, he is only one of the subordinates of the Commander -in They want to use an information reason to return to a big game, "says political scientist Oleg Posternak focus.

The expert notes that in this process various politicians who have managed to prove themselves in the last few weeks are both Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko, and People's Deputy Dmitry Razumkov, and representatives of the Motherland, and the fifth President of Ukraine Petro Porshenko. With the help of a conflict around Zaluzhny's resignation, according to Posternak, they hope to restore and increase their own rating.

As for protests, according to political scientist Igor Reitrovich, they will not be, because Ukrainians understand that Russia will instantly use such actions. However, the resignation of the Zaluzhny will lead to social excitement, which will be expressed in the growth of apathy and disappointment in society. "Some part of Ukrainians who have gone abroad during a full -scale invasion will not want to return to Ukraine, others - will want to leave as soon as possible.

This condition in society can last both a short period and become a long -playing process that will find a splash after the war. And even if the active phase is not long, it is a story of postponed hopes. The President will recall it after the war, " - said in conversation with Focus Reitrovich. Experts predict that the rotation of military leadership is highly probability in the coming month.

This is confirmed by the White House Abstile - the US Presidential Advisor Jake Sullivan has stated in an interview with CBS that Americans would not interfere with the remained personnel in Ukraine, as it is a sovereign right of Kiev and the President of Ukraine to make their own decisions. "The US government should not interfere with this issue in one way or another. Therefore, we keep away from these personnel decisions.

We have clearly made it clear that we are not going to participate in this particular decision. We told the Ukrainians directly," Sullivan said. According to Reitrovich, the country's political leadership is likely not to seriously argue the need for a commander -in -chief. The President's office is likely to be guided by political prospects and expects that the conflict will die quickly, as it was with other personnel decisions during the war.

"Probably in OP believes that the resignation of Zaluzhny will bring less problems than if not. % The resignation will be. It may be in the next couple of weeks, by spring. The logic should be done now, because if Ukraine is transferred to the F-16 and can be achieved by changes at the front, it can be attributed to a new commander-in-chief, "the political scientist says. Focus wrote earlier that Kiev had warned the White House of his intention to release Zaluzhny.