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Members of the International Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of ...

Members of the International Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of the War, headed by Margot Walstrom, participated in the conference "united for the sake of justice. United for the sake of nature ”in Kiev

Members of the International Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of the War, headed by the Head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine Andriy Yermak and ex-minister-Minister former Sweden Foreign Minister Margot Walstrom, participated in the conference "united for the sake of justice. United for the sake of nature ”that began in Kiev.

The purpose of the event is to draw attention to the devastating consequences of the Russian war in Ukraine for the environment, to consider approaches and lessons obtained over the last 20 years about such situations, to inform about the development of institutional mechanisms, procedures and standards that are important for achieving full responsibility for the damage , caused to the environment during the war.

Members of the International Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of the War, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, the institutions of the European Union, the International Criminal Court, the Advisory Group on the most severe international crimes (Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group), leading experts, etc. were invited to participate in the conference.

According to the results of the dialogue, a statement will be approved that it will record the main problematic issues, challenges and prospects. In the video, the participants of the conference, the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak, emphasized the global consequences of the Russian war for the world ecosystem and called on to consider armed aggression against Ukraine and its impact on the environment in the world context.

“The fact is that Russia is fighting not only with the Ukrainian state and the people. She fights with the environment. Nature does not recognize human borders. Therefore, the crimes committed against it anywhere are about everyone and everyone, ”he said. According to Andriy Yermak, Ukraine is making every effort to draw the attention of the international community to the harm caused by Russian aggression to the environment.

And by the end of the year there will be a number of international events dedicated to this issue. Advisor to Presidential Office Alexander Bevz, who moderated the first session "Russian Ecocide in Ukraine. Danger to the whole world, ”said the majority of members of the International Working Group are involved in this conference today, so they will tell about its goals.

"The working group aims to develop a unified approach to assessing the impact of war on nature, to determine the approach to fair compensation for the environment and the principles of environmental recovery," Alexander Bevz said.

Exviceremier-Minister, former Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Walstrom added that she heads the international working group, which she heads with the head of the Presidential Office of Ukraine Andriy Yermak, sets herself three tasks: assessment of damage already caused to the environment in Ukraine. losses, environmental recovery and ecosystems after hostilities.

She expressed the belief that the topic of influence of hostilities on the environment should be in the spotlight not only of Ukrainian society, but all over the world, because Ukraine is the third on the planet the country - grain exporter, and today's events have, in particular, economic consequences and can even be possible be the cause of hunger in vulnerable countries. “The fate of Ukraine is our fate, because you are now fighting with the enemy for the whole world.

And it is important to explain it to the world. We understand that nature and peace are interrelated. If you hurt one component, another will be damaged. You will protect one component - you will protect the other, ”Margot Walstrom emphasized. She noted that thanks to joint efforts, Ukraine can gain a successful experience of overcoming the environmental effects of war and set an example for others.

Vice president of the European Parliament, former Minister of International Development of Finland, Gaidi Hautala, who is also a member of the international working group, reported that the aspect of environmental protection is also important from the point of view of Ukraine's future accession to the EU, so the European Parliament is ready to be a platform for consultations on issues. Peace in Ukraine and, in particular, environmental protection.

For his part, the chairman of the Elders, President of Ireland in 1990-1997, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson stressed that the proper collection of evidence and fixing of crimes committed in the territory of Ukraine will promote proceedings in cases of aggression. “What Russia has done is an attack on our entire planet, because nature is our common treasure. The governments of all countries must protect the environment.

That is why it will be properly held accountable, ”said Mary Robinson. According to her, undermining the dam at the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station was the largest but not the only environmental crime of Russia in Ukraine. Mary Robinson also supported the idea of ​​creating a special international tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine in a format that will allow the highest political leadership of the Russian Federation to be criminally liable.

The Commissioner of the European Union on Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginius Sinkevichus stressed that the work on bringing the responsibility of the perpetrators responsible for the commission of environmental crimes should include, among other things. “I believe that the amount of losses is huge, and they are not Ukraine, not the European Union, but Russia.

Our goal is also to guarantee that Ukraine will be descended and become even better, and we will also become better, ”the EU commissar said. After the panel discussion, the participants of the International Working Group held a meeting on the fields of the conference on further steps and ways of interaction. The meeting was joined by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ruslan Streach and Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin.

Ruslan Sagittarius noted the importance of creating a climate office in Kiev, which should take care of the construction of climate architecture of Ukraine. According to him, in 2024 it is planned to launch as a pilot project a system of trading quotas for greenhouse gas emissions. The Minister stressed that this system will allow to raise additional funds to transform the ecological system in Ukraine.

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin, for his part, emphasized the importance of implementing measures that will help to bring Russia to justice for committing environmental crimes in Ukraine. He reported that the Attorney General's office is documenting each of these crimes, and today it is important to combine efforts in this matter with international organizations.

Andriy Kostin noted the importance of synergy of the Ukrainian formula of President Vladimir Zelensky's peace on restoring justice and environmental safety. The Prosecutor General emphasized that constant cooperation with civil society in the implementation of issues discussed during today's conference is of particular importance. In his opinion, it is important to send a signal that no aggressor crime will remain unpunished.

Margot Walstrom noted the importance of cooperation with Ukrainian NGOs, which take care of ecology. According to her, the activities of the International Working Group demonstrates how significant the consequences of environmental crimes are for both our country and the world. She emphasized the importance of drawing the attention of governments of countries and international organizations, expert environment to work in the issue of ecology.