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According to analysts, the President of Russia has strongly narrowed the list of...

Sits in isolation and angry: Putin does not listen to the military and control the troops on his own - the media

According to analysts, the President of Russia has strongly narrowed the list of sources of information because he does not tolerate when he is given opposite advice. Kremlin head Vladimir Putin is increasingly making a decision on war against Ukraine in isolation. He does not mean the military from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. About it writes Newsweek with reference to the report of the Analytical Center of Global Policy Rand Corporation.

It is reported that Putin has narrowed the list of sources of information because he does not tolerate when he is given opposite advice. In addition, as experts noted, the effectiveness of Russian troops is also influenced by reports of cleaning of senior management and permutations among the commander responsible for operations in Ukraine. The crises that Russia has recently faced, touched the President in person. Yes, Putin became more angry and was even more isolated.

Analysts noted that the Kremlin leaders are now "more indecisive" regarding the escalation of NATO conflict. Putin also adds uncertainty. However, in the West, Moscow was underestimated in front of the North Atlantic Alliance and the associated unwillingness for direct confrontation. We will remind that the major of the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexei Hetman told why Putin did not declare a general mobilization.