It happened after his mother Maria Shukshina made a number of extreme applications to support the Kremlin's policy. At the time of his absence, Kasatkin left his 6-year-old son Mark under his mother's care. According to Shukshina's neighbors, Makar went to the war a few months ago without notifying his plans. At the same time, Shukshina herself refuses to comment on the situation. It also retains silence about the death of her daughter-in-law Freya Zilber, which was found dead in St.
Petersburg in December last year, and a syringe and a tube for smoking mixtures were discovered next to her. As for personal relationships in the family, Shukshin did not accept her daughter -in -law in the family. Silber was forced to do the DNA test to prove her son's affinity with the actress heir. Later, Makar and his mother were still recognized as a boy. We will remind, earlier we wrote that in the car of the Russian actor Gosh Kutsenko found a corpse of a woman.
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