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The analyst Alexei Kush draws attention to Turkey's desire to enter the Brix blo...

Brix captures the world. What does Turkey's accession to the pro -Russian union mean

The analyst Alexei Kush draws attention to Turkey's desire to enter the Brix block as a very sign event. Other representatives of the Turkic world will reach behind this country, so the anti -Western community of countries will become even stronger. Turkey has applied for admission to Brix. If Turkey's membership in the block becomes a reality, then the whole Turkic Protocter will join Brix in the near future: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan.

The question is Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (which declares neutrality). Azerbaijan, by the way, applied for entry even earlier. The model of geopolitical gravity of Brix works interesting. It forms the gravity clearly behind the contours of the global Eurasian island with penetration into other continents.

That is, Brix can also include Indo -China (applications have been submitted by Malaysia and Thailand), and a Maghrib (interest in integration into Algeria), and the West African Sahal, and even Pakistan.

I am often asked in the context of the global island: how about the conflict between India and China? Then I immediately remember Brix and answer the questions, though it is impolite: what about participation in this block of India and China at the same time? Do conflicts do not interfere? Hartland's theory McKKINER and his dominance in the world, of course, does not work largely.

But in one he is right: Africa and Latin America will bow to the Panazian bloc, not a pan -European or North American. And I will call you only one slaughter cause. Everything is very simple: to be a participant in Brix in Africa and Latin America "a little more" than to become participants in the Western Club. Turkey has been on the threshold of the EU since 1999 and will stand for another 30 years. So she went to Brix.

Nobody has released Algeria on the threshold to the EU, though this country was part of the Francophone world. And India is British. And Mexico will never become an analogue of Canada for the USA. Therefore, the wall is built on the border with the first, not with the second (where the border is not at all). We see the birth of USGS: the united countries of the Global South. Yes, there are many differences and differences between these countries.

But let us remember the level of differences in Europe that passed through the two world wars, or in the United States, which passed through the civil war of the Industrial North and the Slave South. By the way, in the US, these differences are still alive. Yes, Chinese civilization is different from Indian.

But there is something in common in the idea of ​​the revolution of the global south: the fight against non -equivalent global metabolism, control over access to key resources, primarily to energy as universal fuel of modern cloodynamics. In general, Brix is ​​a new global cluster that needs to be carefully studied within the systemic cluster analysis of the general world system. A little current information. Brix has an analogue of its IMF: a new Brix development bank.

Who is governed by Dilma Rusef, the former President of Brazil (the first woman in this post). The congress of bank members is now being held in Cape Town, South Africa. Algeria applied for entry into the bank. The new Brix development bank adopts the baton from the Chinese Asian Bank of Infrastructure Investment, which, incidentally, includes a number of European countries, such as Italy.

Abii was also considered an analogue of the Asian IMF, but it concentrates more on the projects of the new silk path. The main task of Brix in the coming years is to build an alternative payment system that is not controlled by Western financial monitoring. Well -known economist Jeffrey Saks promotes the idea of ​​creating "cloudy", "smart" cities in Brix. This is somewhat reminiscent of the concept of Nobel laureate Paul Romer - "charter" cities.

For several years, I have proposed to create a model of "charter cities" for internally displaced persons in Ukraine for internally displaced persons on the basis of the satellite cities (a combination of quality life space, industrial energy-intensive platforms and free urban areas for small business). But so far such ideas are promoted in Brix, not us. In Ukraine, they prefer to build modular towns for refugees in ghetto mode for European grants.