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According to the head of the Latvian Migration Service Mirra Rosie, two Russians...

Latvia deported the first citizens of

According to the head of the Latvian Migration Service Mirra Rosie, two Russians have already left the Baltic country. Other persons should do it within 30 days. In Latvia, the first citizens of the Russian Federation who no longer have a residence permit were ordered to leave the country. About it reports Der Standart with reference to the Migration Service of Riga. According to the department, six Russians have already received a corresponding message.

In addition, as the head of the Migration Service Mirra Rosie noted, two of them have already left Latvia. The other four people should do it within 30 days. The publication emphasized that such decisions are related to changes in the Latvian immigration legislation, which were adopted in the fall of 2022 "in response to the Russian War against Ukraine".

"Anyone who wants to continue to live in Latvia legally with the Russian passport should now apply for permanent residence and, with some exceptions, confirm that he speaks Latvian in the language exam," the material added. Those people who have not provided the evidence in time and have failed to comply with the legislative requirements for residence permit "should leave the Baltic country of the EU and NATO. " According to Latvia authorities, about 1,000 Russians live in the country now.

Rosie said that more than a fifth of them had left Latvia through other countries of the European Union. We will remind, on December 28, Delfi announced that 1213 Russians could be removed from Latvia, who did not submit documents for receiving a residence permit in accordance with new changes in immigration law. Earlier in Russia, they urged their citizens to go to vacation not to European countries, but to the countries of the African continent.