
The guerrillas visited the Secret Shipyard of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg

The Admiralty shipyards produce submarines and military vessels, which is why the company is under US, Canada and EU sanctions. The Atesh guerrilla agent visited a shipyard in St. Petersburg, where submarines and military vessels are being built. And he found out that several sections of the shipbuilding plant are under increased security. This was reported on the Telegram channel of the guerrilla movement.

It is a shipbuilding plant "Admiralty Shipyards", which were laid in the 1700's in three islands in St. Petersburg: Novo-Admiralty, Matisov and Gallerno. Now they produce submarines of the Projects 636 "Warsaw" and 677 "Lada", as well as other military vessels.

"The agent has discovered several sections of the shipyard under enhanced security, probably related to the development of new classified vessels using advanced technologies of secrecy and weapons," - reports in "Atesh" and notes that, despite the sanctions, work is being done on the territory of the plant on modernization and expansion of production capacity. "Our agents continue observations and promptly transmit information.

To be surprised by the new UAV plays on Peter is not worth it," the organization summarizes. We will remind, "Admiralty shipyards" are part of the "United Shipbuilding Corporation", whose chairman of the board of directors is Andrey Kostin, a close associate of Vladimir Putin. The enterprise has been under the sanctions of the European Union, Canada and the United States since 2022, when the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation invaded the territory of Ukraine.

Separately stated that the holding is listed in the sanction list of Canada "for the role in the assistance or support of the unjustified and unjustified invasion of President Putin into Ukraine", and in the US sanction list - for developing and building Russian warships that "used for cities firing Ukraine and harm to the civil population of Ukraine. " On similar grounds, the enterprise is included in the sanctions lists of Switzerland, Australia, Japan, Ukraine and New Zealand.