
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation captured the sand and moved to the Oskil River - the Armed Forces Combat about fighting in Kharkiv region

South of the Russians captured Nevskoye near Makeevka. This gave them the opportunity to force the black stallion from the left bank to the right. The Russians changed tactics in Kharkiv and moved to active assault. The commander of the 1st assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade Volodymyr Fokin told this on the air of the telecast.

According to him, the situation in their lane is difficult, and the Russians for constant assault on their feet are involved in heavy, automobile and wheel equipment and groups of 6 to 10 people. "The situation is difficult because the enemy has mastered a completely sandy settlement and continues to move towards the left bank of the Oskil River. And it is very good. In fact, it remains two kilometers to the river.

, Borova, and north, towards Kupyansk - does not exist this logistics route, " - emphasized the military. It is a route "Borova-Kupyansk-Nuzlyol", now it is completely under fire control of the enemy, for the route on the morning of September 24, less than 2 kilometers remained the enemy. South of the Russians captured Nevskoye near Makeevka. This gave them the opportunity to force the black stallion from the left bank to the right.

"I think they will continue to move to the west and northwest, to connect with their own forces in the Makeevka area. And continue to move west and northwest towards the settlements of Grekivka, Schikivka, Cherneshchina, Lower and Upper Salne," he added military. According to him, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are constantly replenished with resources and quickly restore and repair damaged equipment.

"The enemy receives a weekly division up to a thousand newly arrived fighters who immediately go to assault. 1. That is, the advantage on their side, unfortunately, " - summarized Vladimir Fokin. It should be reminded that on September 24, the ISW stated that the capture of the coal will not give the Russian Federation some special prompt advantage for further offensive operations in the western part of Donetsk region.