
The Sea War with China. The US promises Taiwan new weapons that will remain Ukraine?

States equip the island against the backdrop of the invasion of China's army from the sea: tremendous resources are aimed at air and maritime defense. Delivery of modern Taiwan weapons can give the impression that Ukraine receives only "old samples". The focus understood whether Washington's approaches were different regarding the provision of two countries.

A two -party delegation of six members of the House of Representatives of US legislators arrived on Taiwan on May 26, a few days after joining the post of new President Lai, Lai, and his warning of China, the need to stop threats. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, Republican Michael Mccol was part of the delegation. The politician promised a new weapon during a joint press conference, which was broadcast on the Formosa TV Taiwanese channel.

After Mackola's speech, the Russian media spread information that the United States would allegedly supplied Taiwan "not as old weapons as Ukraine. " The Republican did not really compare the level of military assistance to two countries. This will be clear if you listen carefully to the American policy. There is no quote about Ukraine both live as well as in the news of Western news agencies.

McCol condemned Chinese military exercises "Joint Sword - 2024A" in the Taiwanese Strait, demonstrating the desire to seize the island. "The courage and courage of Taiwan's authorities are beacons of hope and democracy. All democratic countries must be united against aggression and tyranny," McCol said. At the same time, the US legislator promised to strengthen Taiwan's defense as soon as possible. "We are moving forward about these weapons systems.

I would like to see them faster, they will appear soon," the politician said. The head of Taiwan thanked the legislators for his support and expressed his hope that the US Congress would continue to help strengthen Taiwan's self -defense. Beijing opposes the visit of legislators, military contacts of the US authorities from the United States and the support of the "separatist forces" of Taiwan. The US Congress in April allocated $ 8 billion to Taiwan's military support.

Beijing warned that this would only increase the risk of conflict. China's invasion is likely to begin in the Taiwanese Strait. US military officials and their colleagues from Taiwan from the very beginning were racing on the defeat of the enemy in his coastal zone, so huge resources were directed to air and maritime defense, reported by the director of the TaiBei Analytical Center for the Prospect Foundation Lai Ichin.

Marine systems play a key role in the US assistance package so that the Chinese People's Liberation Army (NVAK) did not get sushi. According to the expector of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, military expert Vladislav Seleznov, it cannot be excluded that Taiwan will receive the latest weapons. This is due to the fact that the armament of the Army of Ukraine was originally based on Soviet technologies. In military science, there is a concept of weapons adaptability, he explains focus.

The needs of Taiwan's army are related to other levels of cooperation with the states. For the last few years, Taiwan has been one of the active purchases of the event. Taiwan is constantly preparing to confront Chinese expansion. "Despite the possible Russian IPSO, Republicans can make statements caused by the logic of military cooperation. The states have changed the approach to the supply of weapons to Ukraine only at the beginning of the Great War from the Russian Federation.

Before that, the rate was only in search of Soviet weapons in the world," the analyst comments. As an example, Seleznyov provides the supply of NATO artillery 155 and 105 millimeters. The Ukrainian army had 122 mm and 152 mm inherited from the USSR. "We also need old weapons now, but give it to normal volumes and when it is required. In part of the positions, partners of Ukraine are delayed with deliveries all year long.

And according to the Ministry of Defense, Ukraine received only 50% of the promised assistance. If weapons are not arriving on time, Ukraine He loses his personnel and territory, " - emphasizes Seleznyov. Drawing negative scenarios prematurely: in the last US aid package, 95 billion dollars in Ukraine have reached more than 60 billion. The rest of the amount will be shared by Israel and Taiwan.