
War and Poverty: Ukraine is unlikely to join the EU by 2030 - Times

According to the publication, the adoption of Serbia, Albania and Bosnia for the EU is more priority, although Kyiv is part of the geopolitical sphere of Europe, the leaders of the political bloc are still reflecting on Ukraine's accession. The Times British newspaper has published an article stating that Ukraine is unlikely to join the European Union by 2030. According to journalists, war and poverty in the country are the main obstacle to EU accession to the EU.

The publication writes that if Ukraine enters the EU, it will cause significant changes in the Union that will be the most radical in recent decades. "How will the EU" absorb "Ukraine - a country that was the poorest in Europe before Russia's invasion?" - says in The Times. According to the media, the "cost" of Ukraine's membership in the European Union reaches 186 billion euros. "This amount is money that, as the influential EU countries know, they will lose.

Most countries are also afraid of losing the right of national veto in issues such as future budgets or expansion," the newspaper writes. The above issues of EU leadership can be used as an argument to delay Ukraine's accession by at least 2030, The Times notes. According to British journalists, the European Union is still referring to Ukraine's accession.

This proposal has tactical and geopolitical aspects: accession to the EU can strengthen Ukraine by linking it to the West before Donald Trump's possible return to the White House, which declared his intentions to terminate Ukraine. "Ukraine is part of the geopolitical sphere of Europe. But as well as the Western Balkans, Turkey and the Caucasus, not to mention the neighborhood with North Africa.

In this regard, there is another question: whether Ukraine should be allowed to jump in turn when the need to accept Serbia, Albania and Bosnia even more urgent? " - Journalists of The Times are asked. We will remind, on December 14 the European Council decided to start negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova on accession to the EU.