
The altar and the procession with the "Bandera icon": Belarus staged a "blasphemed provocation" in the Russian Federation

The artist from Belarus sent Russian schools on behalf of the Historical Society. Vladislav Bohan persuaded the leaders to print the photos and "honor the saints. " The Belarusian ranking artist Vladislav Bohan forced the Russian schools to put an icon with Stepan Bandera. On February 29, he told about "Prank" on social networks. "Candles are lit. And even erected altars. But not from the reference of the soul, but because the party said! She said to honor the locally revered saints: St. Stepan and St.

Svetlana," Bohan wrote. He noted that "by the strange coincidence" by St. Stepan was Stepan Bandera, and St. Svetlana - Svetlana Snizhko. The artist explained that he was a judge who recognized his channel in Belarus extremist. "I said I was revenge," the artist emphasized. Bohan posted a separate photo "Icons", emphasizing that he used "quite canonical" photo of Bandera. In Russian media Shot stated that "the maximum blasphemous provocation of the Ukrainian Tsipso failed.

" It turned out that Bohan was photographed by Orthodox icons and sent a letter from the Russian Historical Society to the schools of the Transbaikal region of the Russian Federation. "The organization" required schools to print "icons", insert them into the framework and make a baptismal campaign to local churches.

"And they tried to convince Russian teachers that Stepan and Svetlana had been canonized from the approval of the Moscow Patriarchate recently - literally this month," the propagandists said. To accomplish the task "Society" gave schools less than a day. The next day before lunch, the executives had to send a report on a photo. The hostile media assured that school leaders allegedly understood the deception and turned to the police.