
The occupiers destroyed in the Ukrainian archives documents about Nazis' crimes - the media

According to the Center for Crime Documentation of the National Socialist Regime "Archives of Arolizen", due to the actions of the Russian military archives of Ukraine lost millions of historical records of German occupation. Through the Russian military, Ukraine lost millions of historical documents that confirmed the crimes of the German military during the occupation in 1941-1944 and the actions of the USSR authorities in the postwar period.

About it writes the newspaper "Rulak" with reference to the report of the German Center for Crime Documentation of the National Socialist Regime "Archives of Arolizen". It is noted that the Russian army destroyed or killed documents. In particular, historical records were proof of theft of Ukrainian cultural values, Holocaust crimes and deportations.

The report states that as of April this year, 251 cultural objects were damaged in Ukraine as a result of the war, including 22 museums, 12 libraries and archives. Due to the actions of the army of the Russian Federation, the archives in Chernihiv, Nikolaev, Kherson, Velika Oleksandrivka and high -pilly of Kherson region were damaged. In addition, the occupiers stole about 500,000 cases from the Kherson State Archives containing millions of documents - about 50% of the archive.

It is reported that documents preserved in damaged buildings may not survive the winter, because because of snow and rain they mold and collapse. It is also impossible to digitize the documents, because the necessary equipment was also stolen by the Russian military. Special equipment is required to store them, namely: air dehumidifiers, archival boxes, shelves, LED lamps, thermometers with humidity sensors and more.

At the beginning of last year, the head of the State Archives Anatoly Chromov reported that the invaders destroyed the Archive of the Ukrainian Security Service in the Chernihiv region, which stored documents on the repression of the Soviet authorities. At the same time, chromove was told that Russia was accustomed to stolen Ukrainian archival documents, because they did it not only after the capture of Crimea and Donbass, but also in Soviet times.

In fact, it will be possible to find out about the fate of archival documents only after the release of temporarily occupied territories and the audit. For the destruction and theft of Ukrainian archives, Ukraine demanded to apply sanction to Rosarchy. The relevant appeal was also sent to the International Council of the Archive. The invaders destroy and stole not only the state archives.

Thus, after the occupation of the Chornobyl NPP, the Russian military destroyed documents that have been gathering for years. In particular, they threw them into the trash. In addition, last April reported that the occupiers destroyed the archive of Vyacheslav Chornovil in Bucha. All books, more than 60 full sets of ten -volume Vyacheslav Chornovil and the USSR political prisoner Mykola Plakhotniuk, were lost from the former Chornovil Foundation.

We will remind, on November 10 at the center of national resistance reported that the invaders were removed from the church in energy seven icons of the XVIII-XIX centuries. They stated that church values ​​would be transferred to the Melitopol State Museum of Local History. The Russian army not only kidnaps cultural and ecclesiastical values, but also robs people's dwellings.