
"Frankly went to Russian positions": Tusk reacted sharply to the words of Orban

According to the Polish deputy Donald Tusk, the Orban government blocks decisions that will transfer to Poland 800 million euros. Under the leadership of Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the government "clearly approached Russia", and it openly recognizes it. The statement was made by the leader of the "Civic Coalition" of Poland Donald Tusk, writes TVN24.

"We are dealing with a government that has openly moved to Russian positions," he said, adding that Hungary Prime Minister Orban does not hide it. In particular, according to his statements, under the leadership of Orban, the government actively impedes decisions that provide Poland to 800 million euros.

"I am angry that in the last minute - when they run after their money and positions for their colleagues - they could not resolve with Orban such an important issue for us as 800 million euros on weapons," he said, referring to the Mateusha government Moravetsky. Tusk also assured that he would take a rigid position on the European Council.

"I am convinced that from now on, most leaders will take into account the Polish opinion when it comes to Ukrainian issues and when it comes to Hungary and Orban," he said, adding that his beliefs will probably not be able to significantly change the attitude of Orban because " Relations with Moscow and Putin are organic. " On November 26, the head of Hungary's government Viktor Orban stated that Ukraine was not able to defeat the Russian Federation on the battlefield.

According to the politician, at the beginning of the event strategy was to fund Ukrainians so that they could defeat the occupiers. However, he said now, it became obvious that Moscow was "not losing" Bloomberg on November 22 that Orban proposed to put opponents in prison. According to the journalists, for 13 years in power, Prime Minister of Hungary has created the most powerful propaganda machine in Europe. Orban also threatens to block EU policy on assistance to Ukraine.