
The Fighter of Defense Forces in Kharkiv region deserted and started working on the occupiers (photo)

The Telegram and WhatsApp has data on the movement of Ukrainian equipment and defense units through the Telegram and WhatsApp messengers. In the Donetsk region, servicemen of the defense forces who worked at the FSB of Russia were tried. This was reported in the office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

The court found him guilty of desertion and state betrayal in the conditions of martial law (Part 4 of Article 408, Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and sentenced to 15 years on bars. Since the man was already convicted of committing a crime, he received 16 years of imprisonment. The investigation proved that at the beginning of March 2022, a 29-year-old soldier left the place of service and left the area of ​​task in the Chuguev district of Kharkiv region.

After that he moved to Donetsk region. Since June 2022, he voluntarily agreed to work on Russian invaders and through Telegram and WhatsApp messengers transferred data on the movement of Ukrainian equipment and units of defense forces and units of defense forces. For his "work" on the aggressor country received a cash reward. The military found his guilt in part.