
In the Russian Federation, spring floods flooded the Altai region

It is reported that floods washed away the roads, flooded about a thousand households in 40 settlements. Already began to flood roads in the Novosibirsk region. Floods began in the Altai region of Russia due to sharp warming. Already flooded 478 residential buildings and about a thousand private plots in 40 settlements. About it reports the Ministry of Emergencies in Russia. Movement restrictions were introduced in nine plots. Some roads, as you can see in the video, washed away at all.

Since March 30, an emergency regime has been introduced in the region. The local Ministry of Emergencies has already reported that dams are being built, and "the situation is controlled by drones. " The evacuation of the local population and livestock began. The neighboring Novosibirsk region and Kuzbass (Kemerov region) began to flood. One of the most multi -water floods in the history of observations also occurred in the Volga Federal District.

The water has already started to wash off the streets, roads and bridges in five regions. The anomalous rainfall in the Samara region is 239 millimeters. The last time was registered in 1933. Most can get the Saratov region because of the unprecedented snow. Reservoirs no longer cope with water reserves. The floods also began in Kazakhstan, which borders the Altai region. Through the flood, borders from the Russian Federation were closed and congestion was formed there.

Thus, in Uralsk, local Akimat (administration), buildings of the city court and railway station, children's hospital, Treasury and gymnasium were flooded through floods. City Akimati also reported to flood 18 private and five apartment buildings. In total, the flood threatens 10 regions of Kazakhstan. Winter was very snowy, and now there was a sharp warming, so floods will not be avoided, according to the local authorities. Recall that at the end of last year, a strong flood happened on Kamchatka.