
They will look at the specialty, check the numbers. Whom they will be called to the Armed Forces after data updates

The time for upgrading military accounting data is becoming less and less on July 17. The authorities need to understand the state of the mobilization reserve in order to produce plans for war with Russia. Focus spoke with MPs and learned what surprises were waiting for the conscripts. The new law on mobilization ordered the conscripted Ukrainians to update personal data. There is little time left, July 16 is the last day when you can do it.

Coercive measures begin from July 17: targeted summary, penalties and forced delivery to the shopping center. The Armed Forces command sees a positive effect from the law: the level of conscription in May and June 2024 has increased more than twice compared to the previous two months.

If the process continues at the current rate, up to 200,000 servicemen will be received by the end of the year of the Armed Forces, Roman Kostenko, Secretary of the Parliamentary Committee on National Defense, spoke to the Reuters agency. The state has prepared strict measures for evasion: if the conscript did not appear on the summons, the Tax Code will send a request for administrative detention to the police. Focus wrote that some men had already come to check the address of their residence.

Lawyers say that if the data is updated the wrong address to send the summons, the conscript is responsible for both the call on the call and the provision of false information of the CCC. The Defense Ministry has already reported that by July 14, more than 4 million Ukrainians have passed data. At the same time, 1 million people did so in the last week.

At the same time, the Verkhovna Rada suggests that up to 7 million people will not have time to update for a term, a member of the Parliament Committee on Regulations, Deputy Ethics and the organization of work of the Council Oleg Syniutka. "They will not be able to do it in the next two days. It is probably worth returning to the bill [on the extension of the data update] that we have registered and approve it," he added.

The policy of the politician prolongs the deadline for updating military accounting for 150 days. The Defense Ministry rejected the initiative and claimed that not everyone who updated the data would be called for military service. It should be understood that the requirement to update data is needed for the authorities to understand what is the mobilization reserve in the country.

Further, the military will be forced to pass the Military Medical Commission (VLK) to determine the degree of suitability for service. The issue of priority in the army depends primarily on the availability of a military accounting specialty of each conscript, states member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement, People's Deputy Maxim Buzhansky. "The Armed Forces will be determined by themselves who need. If a person has updated the data, they should not be delayed.

They can be written out for calling the CCC, but no one has the right to pull it forcibly," he emphasizes in communication with focus. At the same time, it is too early to talk about referral to infantry troops and to the hot spots of conscripts without a military specialty. Depending on the needs of the Armed Forces, people will be sent to staffs, special forces or communication army, as well as training drone management. "About the prospects for being on the front is so early to think.

I am sure that those who have not updated the data will face insurmountable difficulties in civilian life and in relations with the state: registration of documents, opening of accounts, driving cars and more," - explains Buzhansky. The colleague of the People's Deputy on the Committee Alexander Bakumov emphasizes that the updating of the data does not affect the order of the recruitment in the army. The mobilization continues in accordance with the requirements of each military unit.

If it turns out that by July 17, a large number of conscripts will not have time to update the data, Parliament may consider some initiatives. The politician emphasizes the injustice of this approach to citizens who have already updated the data. "And is it correct to say at all now that up to 7 million will not have time to update? It is necessary to look at the number of those who have updated until July 17, to check it with a single state demographic register and then to count.

If we see that there was no significant figure and a significant figure and The trend is positive, I can assume that the Council will consider [measures]. The maximum time to pass the medical commission is up to 14 days, but if there are questions about health status and an additional examination of highly specialized doctors will be required, the deadlines can be extended.

According to a lawyer in the field of military law from Riyako & Partners Kateryna Anishchenko, the Armed Forces will be the first to call those who passed the VLK after the data was updated. Forced delivery of citizens to the CCC in minibuses is possible if they do not want to voluntarily undergo medical commission. After July 16, all conscripts need to submit a military ticket on the requirements of law enforcement.

There is no military ticket-therefore there are no military accounting documents. A person can be accompanied by the CCC for this purpose, explains the lawyer of focus. Obtaining a CNAP or Reserve+Statement is not a complete updating of the data, as you still need to get fresh medical results. It may be possible to avoid penalties after registration of personal data, but as it will work in practice - it is unknown, the lawyer emphasizes. "In every shopping center in Kiev and Kharkiv its rules.

There is no single model of requirements," the specialist warned. We will remind, Article 21 of the Law on Mobilization obliges Ukrainians to undergo VLK to determine the degree of suitability for military service. If the conscript has not passed the VLK, it can be fined without attachment to the data update procedure. The focus previously described which conscripts commanders have to deal with the "planned" work of the shopping center.