
For the first time in history: in the Russian Federation plan to conduct training in the event of a nuclear war - the media

The Russian authorities predict that individual entities of the Federation will be affected by fictional nuclear explosions. This will destroy 70% of housing and all infrastructure. The Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu recently made a meeting of the Ministry's Board and made a forecast for the duration and results of Russia's war against Ukraine. According to the official, the Kremlin expects to achieve "set goals" in 2025.

At the same time, in another branch of the Russian authorities - in the federal service of "Rospozhyvnadzor" - prepare for a possible nuclear strike. In particular, they plan to conduct civil defense training, provided that atomic explosions occurred in some region. About it writes Baza in the Telegram channel. The publication from unknown anonymous sources received a document published in Rospotrebnadzor.

It is about the order of the head of the service - Anna Popova - about conducting "staff training in civil defense". It is stated that the training should take place on October 3, 2023 and cover the entire territory of the aggressor country. The media post emphasizes that the Russian Federation plans to hold a unique event. Previously, similar exercises took place, but they were conducted in separate regions at different times. Meanwhile, the event will happen at the same time everywhere.

The so -called "operational task" - that is, a legend that describes the imaginary conditions that formed in the Russian Federation after nuclear explosions is added to the order of Popova. Baza posted two pages of this legend. The document states that several nuclear explosions occurred in the territory of "individual entities".

In this case, explosions are a consequence of "the use by the enemy of modern means of lesions of distant action", which was due to "an increase in tension near the borders of the Russian Federation. " Nuclear blows have completely destroyed the infrastructure and 70% - a housing stock. In some areas, areas of "strong radioactive contamination were formed, including the use of mass destruction weapons.

" In addition to destruction, possible accidents on hydrotechnical, chemical and radiation -hazardous objects, naphantasized by Russian officials. After nuclear blows, the document "Rospotrebnadzor" must be made in the readiness of all the authorities: from executive to local self -government. It is noticeable that the heads of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine will not be involved in the event.

In particular, the illegal heads of the so -called "DNR", "LNR", Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions will not allow the illegal heads, Baza emphasizes. It should be noted that the head of the occupied Crimea will participate in nuclear security training. Meanwhile, in the summer of 2023, a meeting on possible radioactive contamination was held in Ukraine as a result of the release of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, which was afraid after blasting the Dam of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant.

According to the forecasts, radioactive contamination threatened four regions in the south: Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Mykolaiv. At that time, civil defense exercises were not conducted. It should be noted that the network can simulate the explosion of a nuclear bomb created during the USSR - the so -called "king of the bomb" with a capacity of 100 mt.

Modeling shows that its use in the center of Moscow will burst an area within a radius of 6 km, while in the area of ​​Kolomna it knocks out windows. We would like to remind that on September 27, NATO Secretary General Jens Stolternberg commented on the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In particular, he noted that the Kremlin head has posted the greatest threat in the last ten years.