
It is not clear if the dead are really: the EU will not abolish sanctions even from the dead Russians - the media

The heirs of Russian oligarchs, having received sub -funds, will spend them for war in Ukraine, confident European officials. Therefore, there will be no automatic cancellation of sanctions from now on. Even after death, Russian citizens should be under the sanctions of the European Union. One of the reasons for this position of Brussels is the confidence that in the event of the arrest of assets, money will go to the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The justification of the opinion of Europeans was written in EUOBSERVERVERVER. The publication indicated that on Monday, December 19, the EU decided not to relieve sanctions from the late Russians - an anonymous source of journalists reported. The decisions were based on several considerations. First, Europeans are convinced that the money received by the heirs will start spent on the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Secondly, there is no certainty that the Russian sanctions have died.

Earlier, the mode of arrest on the assets of a sub -Russian Russian assumed that in the event of death, his assets were automatically unlocked. "The automatic system of removing the dead from the lists, which was still in place, has been the subject of concern," the official said how he talked with journalists. In addition, they remember the ex owner of the Wagner PEC Yevgeny Prigogine, who seemed to be blown on the plane on August 24, 2023 under a hard work.

European officials are still not sure that it is really dead. "We can never be sure whether such people have died, or are they still alive," the words of the European office quote. European Truth journalists recalled four Russians whose property was released from arrest in connection with their death.

The EU magazine in September 2023 named the names of the late citizens of the Russian Federation: the owner of the Media Holding "RBC" Grigory Berzkin, co -owner of "Nortgas" Farhad Ahmedov, excavation Ozon Alexander Shulgin, Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Georgy. It should be noted that in December 2023, a 12 pack of sanctions against Russia was approved in the European Union through its invasion of Ukraine.

The Europeans decided to seize the property of Dmitry Medvedev's son. In addition, there are 60 more individuals and 86 organizations on the list. It is also forbidden to buy and trade Russian diamonds, increase control over the violation of oil prices. At the same time, during the summit of EU member state leaders, Ukraine blocked Ukraine's allocation of 50 billion euros, which should support its economy and troops in confrontation with the Russian Federation.

The decision was blocked by the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban. Before that, he eliminated the vote on the beginning of negotiations on joining the EU and noted that he had 75 reasons to continue to harm the Ukrainians. We remind that Republicans and Democrats in the US Senate assure that they will solve the issues of funds for Ukraine not earlier than January 2023.