
China deprives Ukraine drones and Reb: what can save production and army

Chinese enterprises are forbidden to supply UAVs, remedies and details for them to Ukraine. Some companies have already refused to cooperate with Ukrainians. From September 1, the Chinese government has put into operation new restrictions on exports from China components for drones that can potentially be used for military purposes, and Ukrainian manufacturers have already encountered problems. The focus understood what has changed and how you can handle this situation.

According to South China Morning Post, the Chinese government published an export restriction directive on July 31.

According to the document, government agencies will strictly control where manufacturers will supply the following products: the Directive was adopted a day after the US Ministry of Finance has imposed sanctions against several natural and legal persons based in continental China and Hong Kong, through the purchase of components (such components ( as gyroscopes and accelerometers) for the Iranian program of development of ballistic missiles and drones.

The Chinese government has publicly opposed the use of civilian drones for military purposes, but at the same time condemned US measures. Exactly a year ago, on July 31, 2023, China released a "temporary message" on the ban on some drones that may be used for military purposes. The authorities obliged the companies to receive special state permits for UAV exports with the maximum time of management outside the visibility of more than 30 minutes and a maximum runway weighing more than 7 kg.

The restrictions also were powerful radio stations, modern cameras, devices for resetting items, laser locators or any other "unverified useful cargo". Now the Chinese have actually expanded the list of what is forbidden to sell directly to Ukraine. According to the ex-instructor of the National Liberation Army of China Sonng Zhunpin, the restrictions were intensified partly precisely because of the mass use of drones in the war in Ukraine.

Viewing the message indicates that the control over the export of drones and their parts will continue. Anna Chudnivtsi, director of the Ukrainian enterprise Sokilskay, which produces for the military FPV-nucleus, is already worried about China's export restrictions. "I learned from the suppliers with which we are working with that many Chinese companies have closed this bench and stopped sending details.

They still have not delivered components directly to Ukraine, it was necessary to use third companies in other countries, but now this problem It has become very sharp, even red, because there are no manufacturers in Ukraine. The head of Sokilskay believes that over time, drones for the Defense Forces of Ukraine will find some ways to order and receive components from China, but much depends on speed.

According to her, the Chinese government does not yet have final export decisions at the legislative level, but many local companies no longer want to work with Ukrainians when it comes to supplying drones. "Here I now have an order for which we are waiting for components, and now one of the components can not be obtained in time because the manufacturer in China collided with a bunch of inspections, tax and other moments, and because of this they refused", " - Anna Chudnovets shared.

In her opinion, Ukraine needs to establish its own production as soon as possible. However, it is clear, even if it begins, the details for UAVs will not be as cheap as from China, because the industry is developing for a long time and all processes are well established. "It takes time to work out this system, and the products are now needed," the company director summed up.

The founder of Antidron Ukraine Serhiy Gerasimyuk informed focus that restrictions on the supply of obstacles will prevent manufacturers of electronic warfare. Export control will greatly complicate logistics - it can be bypassed, but this will increase the time of delivery and total value. "Since the Reb is always what is needed for yesterday, the problems are felt not only by manufacturers but also by the end users," Sergei said.

He believes that there is no point in investing in the Ukrainian production of radio interference generators, because there is no closer component base supplier than China. In the end, the supply of remedies to the military will take the same amount of time, only instead of ready -made modules will have to wait for the details for them. The owner of the drone repair workshop, Yuri Abdula, is convinced that the situation does not have to change fundamentally.

China does not forbid supply components for drones to European countries, and from there they have long been delivered to Ukraine, so you should not panic. "There is a thousand and one option like bypass this system, so it will be. So no one is afraid of restrictions. China can't sell, he earns money on it and has to play products somewhere.