
The Armed Forces plan has cleared - what the latest events in the Kursk direction say

In the Kursk operating direction, the plan of the Ukrainian command has already become obvious enough, says military analyst Konstantin Mashovets - especially after struck on the bridges through the Seim. On this basis, he tries to guess the further actions of the enemy in the Kursk operating direction (plan) of the Ukrainian command, I think, already became sufficiently existing and obvious.

Especially after the strokes on the bridge crossing through the Seimas and the probable exit of the advanced units of the Armed Forces to the western bank of this river on the shade of Birdin - Totkine. As for me, the task is to take completely under the control of the Armed Forces of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation south of the Seim on the shade from Alekseevka to the border of the bedroom - the mountain.

As far as I understand, as of yesterday, in this respect, the closest task was to eliminate the "Tyotkinsky speech". Given the fact that the advanced units of the Armed Forces have already left the east to the line (approximately) Komarivka - Novoivanovka, this does not seem so unrealistic. Now, regarding the reaction of the Russian command to events in the Kursk operating direction.

Obviously, it was decided to "stick to the post" (expected), that is, at the moment the grouping of troops (UV) enemy "Sever" is ordered "to find internal reserves", to screw the personnel on a variety of vocals (including former Kenigsberg) But to set at least 5-6 formations of the battalion level in a capable state in key directions.

The only thing the older "commodity" agreed is to return to the "Sever" of his full -time forces and means, that is, the parts and compounds that are constantly included in the Leningrad Military District (LVO). For example, units of the 200th Separate Rifle Brigade (OMSBR) are already recorded in the rear of the Kurk group, well, and as far as I understand-the 80th OMSBR will soon be tightened. The first of the Kramatorsk direction, the second - from Dnieper. Both of the 14th Army Corps (AK).

In general, these are those 5-6 battalions, but it is if these crews reach Kursk not in disassembled state. However, the real need for power and means of the enemy in this direction is much greater, it is obvious. The operational density of troops, which has a Russian command at the Kursk operating direction, does not allow it to completely slow down the movement of the Armed Forces. No norms and standards by the Russians, in this respect, are not maintained.

They are able to cover the main transport units, directions, but they cannot properly solve the problem (stop the Armed Forces). If you get away from professional terminology, let's just say: while the Russians have in this direction "ochagogical defense" (so that the advanced mobile groups and units of the Armed Forces are found in defense of the enemy of the hole and moving on the flanks and rear of the enemy), although they try to grow it and make it continuous .

In this sense, I mentioned "5-6 battalions" will not radically resolve the issue. Sooner or later, the enemy's command will still have to think about more reserves. Moreover, the Russian command in its own style is introduced into battle, as the military is said, "from wheels. " I still described it in detail during the Balakli offensive of the Armed Forces, so I will not repeat myself.

These broken and burned Russian columns near Rylsk and Kornevo, it is a direct investigation into the management ("Chief of Army"), which demonstrates the command of UV "Sever". Thus, it becomes obvious that the regrouping of a certain set of troops (forces) in "North" of the enemy from the Volchansk direction (parts and units of the 11th and 44th AK) did not solve the problem. It is not possible to stop the Armed Forces of the enemy.

However, the majority of its reserves The Russian General Staff is in no hurry to use as a plumbing pack in the Kursk operating direction. Well, in fact, no one was counting on the fact that there are no do not serve, in the end, fashionable striped pants and beautiful epolets they wear there not just.

There, some of them even expressed at certain meetings (which went almost a herd) "darling", and not copy to us the Armed Forces and prepare, so to speak, their "assimitorous open" in an unexpected place for them? The only problem is that this answer, as well as plumbing works in the Kursk region, will require another, with a serious part of forces and means.

Question: Where to get them quickly and in sufficient volume? The mobilization will no longer save (because it requires the cost of the main resource, which Pouila is almost left out - time). So, in a strategic sense before the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation (this is what we call the team of the Tykaths, captured Kremlin), in the context of the current course of war, there are several, say, "problems": all this must be solved.

So, at the same time, and in a very short time. Moreover, this requires a whole bunch of money, resources, etc. And most importantly - people. As it turned out, if you start to start out of all the "terrible" mobilization resource of the Russian Federation of all kinds of unsuitable and booked, in the Kremlin, of course, there will be a lot. But, as always, there are nuances.