
GUR drones attacked the refinery in Tuapse: a fire broke out at the factory - a source of focus

At night, the residents of the Krasnodar Territory heard explosions and air defense. Under the blow of UAV was a plant, which reaches 12 million tons per year. UAVs of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense hit the refinery in Russia. The focus learned from the sources of the publication. As a result of the GUR surgery, a refinery was attacked on July 22 on July 22 in Tuapse of the Krasnodar Territory. A fire broke out on the refinery.

According to the sources in intelligence, the drones were recorded over Tuapse at about 3:30. Local media reported that during the first wave of attack, the Russian air defense tried to knock down four drones-Kamikadze. Subsequently, at about 6:25, two explosions were thundering in the area of ​​the National Pedagogical Institute. In total, at least eight UAVs were attacked in Tuapse.

Russian propagandists have informed about infrastructure damage, but the degree of damage to the objects of hostile MIC is specified. As the focus explained, the PH-Tapsinsky Refinery LLC is attacked in the Krasnodar region of the National Refinese. The plant is the only production complex with the maritime terminal of the oil products supply of PJSC "Rosneft"-LLC "PH-NORM TUAPSE". Approximately 90% of the enterprise's products are exported.