
The Peace Summit is the beginning of the way to the end of the war, not to another escalation by the Russian Federation - the President during a press conference in Singapore

Only Ukraine, as a victim of war, has the full right to initiate the path to its end, namely the Summit of Peace. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated this during a meeting with representatives of foreign media in the fields of the Sangri-La Dialogue Summit in Singapore.   “I wish all the countries of peace, I wish that no loss has, no one had mass graves, mass casualties. But the Ukrainians were killed, these Russians raped our people, our women, stole tens of thousands of our children.

No one has the right to tell us how this war should end. It must end under the law, by international law, by justice. And this is a must, ”the Head of State emphasized. The President recalled that Ukraine has invited China and other countries of the world to participate in the Global Peace Summit, is ready to listen and discuss all the proposals for the decision, but on its platform.   “Certainly, the Summit of Peace is the beginning of the way to the end of the war.

There are three points - this is not everything, but there are three points that lead exactly before the end of the war, not before another escalation by the Russian Federation, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. The Head of State also stated that Ukraine needs support from Asia on the way to peace and their presence at the summit.