
On the eve of Russian shelling: the EU may limit electricity imports to Ukraine, details

The EU requires to correct a number of problems related to the activities of the NEP NEP Ukrenergo by December 9. Expert Oleksandr Kharchenko noted that failure to comply with such a decision will lead to the loss of certification, which will mean the loss of electricity import before new winter in Russian shelling. Ukraine should bring Ukrenergo operator to European standards by December 9. Otherwise, the Ukrainian energy regulator may lose certification with the EU, European Truth reports.

In a letter from the director of the Secretariat of the Energy Community Arthur Lorkovsky. It is now that Ukrenergo's activities are not responsible for the enbandling procedure established in the European Directive 2019/944.

In particular, the text refers to a number of problems that, according to EU representatives, are present in Ukrenergo: it is the activity of the supervisory board and its independence, the statute of the energy operator, the activities of the Ministry of Energy in the fuel and energy sector and the decision of the Ministry on risk management and internal control .

In the first question, the EU Secretariat believes that there is currently incomplete composition of the supervisory board of Ukrenergo (consisting of 11 members: seven are appointed by the Ministry of Energy, four independent - through the competition). Currently, there are only four persons in the Supervisory Board where three are appointed by the government and one independent candidate whose term of office will expire on December 9 this year.

"At this time, Ukrenergo Supervisory Board is only capable of quorum requirements, and will cease to be such on December 9, 2024, when the mandate of one independent member will be completed. However, in view of its composition, the Supervisory Board is no longer in the state when it can accept Independent decisions. The EU Secretariat also believes that Ukrenergo should be reviewed.

According to European representatives, this will enable the Supervisory Board to strengthen its role in making decisions in order to "perform their task - to protect the functioning and commercial activities of" Ukrenergo "from government intervention. The third problem in the letter indicated a reminder to the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy on the creation of a separate unit for independent coordination of the operators of the fuel and energy complex.

The EU Secretariat will state that they do not currently have information about the creation of such a unit and its proper functioning. The letter also refers to the order of the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy 408/2022. According to the EU Secretariat, this order de facto establishes a "parallel system of control, which has led to conflicting lines of responsibility, in particular concerning responsibility to responsible supervisory boards.

" Order 408/2022 should be reviewed in order to ensure that Ukrenergo can function completely Regardless of the intervention of the Ministry of Energy and the Minister of Energy, ”the text of the letter reads. The EU Secretariat states that each of these points is already sufficient for restarting the certification procedure because everyone is an obstacle to Ukrenergo's independent functioning.

Abandlling and starting the certification procedure by December 9, otherwise in the event of a non -security "NERCEP, they are asked to re -start the Certification Procedure for Ukrenergo. Energy expert, Director of the Energy Research Center Alexander Kharchenko noted that this letter has a serious threat.

He believes that Ukraine may lose the possibility of importing electricity from the EU without proper certification for Ukrenergo, which can be a serious threat to a new winter in Russian shelling. "There is no positive in the received letter and in this situation as a whole. All feats - without exaggeration - repairmen that restore damaged capacities for the season to pass without shutdown, or with minimal shutdowns in frost - may be offset by missiles and drones. Without imports.

But the European system will be, to put it mildly, to remedy the situation. We will remind, Focus reported that the Ministry of Energy was indignant with the statement of the UN on shutdown of light in Ukraine. According to Minister Herman Galushchenko, lighting in winter may be due to emergency repairs, but they will not have a systemic nature. Earlier, we wrote about the power outages of winter in Ukraine.