
Stop the Russian Security Service of Russia: What are the effective measures against the Kremlin Ukraine needs

Western partners of Ukraine intend to impose another package of sanctions against the Russian Federation before the second anniversary of the invasion. Political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko called the main sanctions against Russia that can help Ukraine. Within the new 13th sanction package against the Russian Federation, the European Union is preparing measures for Russia's actions in the field of drones.

The head of the Foreign Ministry of Germany Annalen Berbok said this before the meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Brussels. According to the Minister, the adoption of the 13th Package of EU sanctions against Russia, which, in particular, will be aimed at limiting Russian capacity in the field of unmanned systems, is in the final stage. "We are now in the process of adopting the 13th Package of Sanctions, in particular, on the issue of UAV. We are on the last meters," Berbb said.

She emphasized the importance of further strengthening sanctions against Russia. According to her, the aggressive war of Russia two years ago "awakened Europe from a deep sleep in terms of security policy. " "Two years ago, we woke up in another world. In the world where the Russian president wanted to turn Ukraine, a sovereign, free country into a Russian province. He has achieved the opposite.

And more than ever advanced on the way to joining the European Union, "said German Foreign Minister of Germany. Berbbus added that Germany will support Ukraine in its struggle for sovereignty and territorial integrity "as much as it will need. " These obligations were once again emphasized in the security agreement between Ukraine and Germany, the Minister said.

It should be noted that today, February 19, in Brussels a formal meeting of the EU Council of Ministers on Foreign Affairs regarding, in particular, prolonging Ukraine's support in its fight against the Russian Federation.

Against the backdrop of the adoption of regular restrictions on Russia, focus asked the Ukrainian political scientist, the chairman of the Board of the Center for Applied Political Studies "Penta" Vladimir Fesenko about what the anti -Russian, as well as sanctions against companies of other countries that contribute to the extent of the Russian Federation, have already assisted Ukraine.

According to the expert, now sanctions are already giving effect, so it is necessary to close the opportunity by which Russia bypasses sanctions on the sale of its oil and petroleum products. According to Fesenko, sanctions against the shadow tanker fleet are quite effective, because thanks to him Russia has adapted to the price ceiling for oil and petroleum products and began to bypass these restrictions.

Regarding the restriction of SWIFTs for the Russian Federation, they did not give such a powerful effect they hoped. "Swift restrictions work against most Russian banks but not everyone. There is a need to expand the list. that the agricultural bank of Russia was disconnected from SWIFT, so they demanded to connect it again, because it serves the sale financial transactions with the Russian Federation. In principle, this trend is already. In Turkey and China in particular.

After all, some of the Chinese banks are already beginning to restrict financial transactions with Russia and this has already led to some effect. There are sanctions, "Fesenko explained. Recall that Russia has lost its ability to use most of its tanker fleet for oil transportation. The reason is the delivery of "black gold" breaks through sanctions from the United States.