
"Go. Don't light": Irina Vereshchuk called for civilian Russians to leave Crimea

Viceremier-Minister Vereshchuk urged civilian Russians to leave the peninsula before the start of de-occupation. After all, when the Crimean bridge falls it will be very difficult. Viceremier-Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories Irina Vereshchuk called on citizens of the Russian Federation in Crimea, to leave the Ukrainian peninsula until its de-occupation begins, because it will not be possible to leave it quickly and safely.

She reported this on September 28 in her Telegram channel. "On which many thousands of Russians who have been illegally drove into our Crimea in recent years. Because, usually, everything happens suddenly. When the Crimean bridge falls (it is a matter of time The peninsula, what will they do? " - she asked. Vereshchuk stated that it would be very difficult to leave the peninsula for thousands of civilians, because with cut routes, when around the fight, it is unrealistic to do it.

She called on Russians who are illegally in Ukrainian Crimea to leave faster. "Therefore, I turn to civilian Russians who are illegally on the peninsula. Staying in Ukrainian Crimea is dangerous for you. Go. Don't be light-hearted," Viceremer said. We will remind, on September 28 Focus wrote that the Armed Forces of the Crimea prepare a field for future battles. According to Vladislav Seleznev, every military goal in the territory of the occupied peninsula is legal for the defense forces.