
Soldiers argue with the commander: what will criticize the Armed Forces leadership during the war

The Armed Forces fighters are increasingly demonstrating their position as to what is happening within the Defense Forces of Ukraine, pointing to weak communication between higher management and the command. Focus found out whether it was appropriate to criticize management actions during the war and what it could lead to. Recently, the fighters of the 80th Brigade of the DShV appealed to Vladimir Zelensky to leave Kombrig Emil Ishkula in office.

The subordinates recorded the video in support of the manager, stating that their Kombrig was "disagreeable" for the senior management of the Armed Forces, because he is not afraid to voice problematic questions and report the real state of affairs and does not engage in the eye. "It is a commander who plans all operations in detail. After all, the life of each of us . . .

We do not understand why commanders who enjoy undisputed authority among personnel have a cockling combat path and experience of the Great War - not Agree to the Supreme Management of the Armed Forces, "the brigade fighters said in their address.

In response to the statement of the military, the press service of the Airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces reported that Colonel Ishkulov Emil Shamilievich was not going to be released, but will increase because he was "a very experienced personnel combat officer. " "A liberal model in the army, I call it so much. The fact is that, unfortunately, we have no system of either sergeant committees nor officers. .

The orders were killed, " - says the focus of the Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleg Zhdanov. According to political scientist Igor Reiterovich, criticism in the army is acceptable, if it is not about the details of operations, tasks and other tactical issues.

"When it comes to the actions of commanders, the lack of communication with the command, which sits someone knows and does not have information about the real situation on the front and gives orders, given the maps-feedback is very important. And if conflict situations arise, they have them quickly There will be no chaos in the army, in particular.

Zhdanov adds that during his professional experience, during the Afghan War, the officer meetings in parts resolved many issues, ranging from the fair distribution of awards to the planning of the tasks. "A person who can kill at any moment must understand who will go to the task with her, and be sure that she is not sent to mine field And then it turns out, but this is not the case. by itself, and the team on its own, on the battlefield of chaos, " - adds the expert.

Zhdanov believes that the organizational and staff structure of the Armed Forces has long needed to be changed. According to the expert, the former head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny also spoke about it. "It takes about 5 months, and President Zelensky, appointing Syrsky to the post of head, set the task of reforming the Armed Forces. According to Zhdanov, in many Western countries feedback in the army is very important.

For example, in some parts there are psychologists who have the right to dismiss the commander's duties if his subordinates complain about exceeding his authority and wrongful orders. "There is a system of committees - soldiers, sergeants. The meaning of such a model is to improve the quality of orders. Committees can influence communication. In fact, the commanders of the mouth and battalions are managed. Task.