
The EU plans to allow countries to block gas imports from the Russian Federation - FT

According to journalists, the EU gradually reduces the dependence on energy from the aggressor country. But the share of Russian gas that Europe receives is still about 10%. The new bill provides for the possibility for the countries of the European Union to introduce a ban on the purchase of capacity in their gas pipelines and terminals of liquefied gas for companies from Belarus and the Russian Federation. The journalists of The Financial Times got acquainted with the documents.

A source from EU leadership in a comment to the US edition explained that the new mechanism would allow European energy companies to break transactions with gas suppliers from the Russian Federation and do not pay significant compensation at the same time. The authors of the publication indicated that although the EU gradually reduces the dependence on Russian energy, the share of Russian gas that Europe receives is approximately 10% of the total volume.

In a number of EU countries, such as Austria and Hungary, Russia still supplies a considerable amount of energy. In the European Commission, they want to replace the remaining proportion of gas. According to journalists, the previous text of the initiative will be agreed on Friday, December 8. We will remind that in the occupied Kerch the gas pipeline caught fire, representatives of the Russian Federation did not exclude sabotage.