
The Netherlands handed over to Ukraine "invisible" radars Vera-Ng: how will help the drones and rockets of the Russian Federation

The radar finds almost all the target in a very wide range of frequencies. Zero radiation makes radar stations "invisible" for hostile means of detection. The Netherlands transferred to Ukraine radar stations VERA-NG capable of leading up to 200 targets within a radius of 400 km. This is indicated by the list of equipment provided in the message of the Ministry of Defense of the country Kaisa Ollogren on the social network X Twitter.

The Minister of Defense of the Netherlands in the summer of 2024 in the summer of the Netherlands for Ukraine for Ukraine for Ukraine. They will be used to identify, localize, track and identify goals in the air, on Earth and at sea. It was a pre -transfer of 4 stations with a total cost of 150 million euros. VERA-NG complexes are made by the Czech company ERA. The 360-degree coverage radar detects targets at a distance of 400 km up to 20 m. The station operates in a frequency range of 87.

5 MHz to 18 GHz and can accompany up to 200 targets in any weather. According to the manufacturer, the VERA-NG one central reception and work station and three lateral reception stations with the operator's workplaces. System calculations transmit to the Air Forces forces data on the targets identified with the parameters of range, azimuth and height. The system has zero radiation, which makes it "invisible" for the means of detection: it is difficult to identify during operation.