
The Belarus Ministry of Defense showed "Isanders" with winged and ballistic missiles (photo)

The press service of the department stated that there are no analogues of the Russian operational-tactical complex in the world. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported on the full independent operation of the Iskander OTRC. The press service of the department reports. The staff shows the operative-tactical missile complex "Iskander", which came to Belarus in December 2022. For the management of the complex, the Belarusian military was trained in the Russian Federation.

After completing the theoretical training course, the military already prevented at landfills in Belarus. The head of missile troops and artillery - the head of the missile troops and artillery of the General Staff of Belarus Ruslan Chekhov claims that the army has a sufficient stock of missiles and means of impact for blows up to 500 km. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense claims that the Russian OTRC has no analogues in the world.

The complex is also installed on the basis of the Belarusian tractor MZKT-7930 of the Minsk wheel tractor plant. "As you know, in December 2022, the Operations-tactical" Iskander "operative-tactical missile complex took its place. The complex that is equal in its class in the world simply does not exist! Powerful and maneuverable, capable of pushing anywhere and waiting there," Iskander "develops the speed on the road up to 70 kilometers per hour", - the Defense Ministry states.