
Shamans and mysticism: Why Putin actually traveled to Mongolia - media

The Russian president honors not only Orthodox priests who consecrate missiles, but also seek help from shamans. Former Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu introduced him to them. On September 2, Vladimir Putin visited Mongolia. The visit of the Russian President caused a scandal because the Roman Statute country was arrested after issuing a warrant for arrest in March 2023 for illegal deportation of children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation. However, this did not happen.

And now the Russian journalist Mikhail Zigar in his column for the German edition of Spiegel assures that Putin visited local shamans in Mongolia. And now in Moscow, the rumor is circulating that Putin allegedly needed the blessing of shamans to use nuclear weapons. "Without their consent, he could not go to such a serious step, fearing to go out to the perfume. And allegedly returned from Mongolia. However, this version sounds like a fantasy.

None of my sources can confirm it," the journalist said, but he said that he said from Putin shamans still met. It is believed that former Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was taught to shamanic practices of Putin. Until he has been resigned, Shoigu and Putin were often visited by the Republic of Tiva (or Tuva), where Shamanism is an official religion.

Zigar claims that Putin officially appeared in Mongolia to participate in the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the armed conflict between Mongolia and the Soviet Union on the one hand and Japan on the other. But the visit was short and in addition to the international scandal, there was no visible effect. So for the sake of shamans there allegedly went Putin. Vladimir Putin has long been known for his special attitude to mysticism.

And, apparently, he combines his interest in mysticism with pagan traditions. Rumors about shamans and their connection with Putin have appeared a long time ago. The Russian media also wrote at one time that the Russian president, in addition to spiritual practices, was still addicted to unconventional medicine. And he took baths from the decoction of the pantas (young, full of blood of deer horns).

Due to Putin's interest, Panty Baths and similar unconventional ways to continue youth have become popular among other Kremlin elite. Former member of the Federation Council Sergey Pugachev in 2022 in an interview said that there were shamans at Shoigu, who allegedly "predicted the future" and sacrificed in the presence of the Russian president. The victims in rumors were also often mentioned: allegedly shore and Putin burned camels, and Putin shamans sacrificed an eagle.

"They conducted shamanic rites on a hilly mountain with shoe in identical costumes. There, they say, they even burned a few camels so that Putin would not lose their health remnants,"-said ex-deputy of the Russian State Duma from Putin's Party "Odina Rossia" Opera Singer Maria Maksakova.

The fact that the shaman became popular in the Russian Federation is also evidenced by the fact that the former top manager of Lukoil, Alexander Subotin, who died in 2022, died when a shaman Magua introduced his frog poison, trying to cure that from a hangover. A few years ago, Putin made a very strange gesture in one of his public speaking. Trying to joke, he suddenly remembered the devil's conversation, and then instinctively crossed his mouth.

It is a pretty ordinary gesture for the eighteenth century. Now no one is doing this in Russia. But the Russian president, in addition to shamans, also admires mystical Orthodoxy and often visits the elders from the Valaam monastery, where he apparently picked up an archaic gesture. However, the hermitters in the Valaam Monastery have been destroyed during the USSR, so now the former KGB staff, with whom Putin is very comfortable as a former scout, alleged.

The mystical practices and interest in paganism and occultism are related to Vladimir Putin and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. He was known to be not a Christian because he believed that priests were taking away the flock. Instead, he considered Jesus Aryan and denied the Jewish origins of Christianity. However, he was interested in the symbolism and sacredness of some relics.

And his colleague Henry Himmler, together with the founder of the Anenerbe organization, was seriously engaged in ancient German mythology, numerology and occultism. Zigar notes that Putin consulted a lot with different mystics before the full -scale invasion of Ukraine, and they all assured him in a military victory.

Sources report that on one of the first rituals organized for Putin, the staff of his administration did not like the appearance of the participants of the ceremony: shamans, rumors, were too young and not respectively respectively. Then it was probably decided to replace them with actors who knew the ritual well. The ceremony was spectacular, everyone was satisfied. However, it is worth noting that not all shamans like Vladimir Putin.