
The Russians hit the Balism in Odesa region: 4 people were injured

Explosive wave and fragments from ballistic missiles damaged private homes. Among the victims three men and one woman. After noon, on April 21, Russian invaders hit ballistic missiles in Odessa, resulting in at least four people injured. This was reported by the head of the Odessa Regional Military Administration Oleg Kiper. "The enemy continues point rocket strokes. He struck Balianism in Odessa. He explained that the explosive wave and fragments from ballistic missiles damaged private homes.

In one of them fell the ceiling, in the courtyard of the other private estate there was a hay. "There are 4 victims of rocket stroke in Odessa. Three men and one woman. Doctors provide all the necessary help," Kiper said. The head of the Odessa Ova also noted that rescuers and utilities continue to eliminate the effects of the attack. Before the explosions, at 13:15, the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces and the defense forces of the South reported the threat of use of ballistic weapons.

The rockets flew from the Crimea. Until 5 pm on April 20, seven air alarm was announced in the Odessa region. As a result of the rocket strike on Odessa, a three -year -old child was sent to the hospital. As Oleg Kiper reported, the invaders hit the X-59 flights. The rockets damaged the area of ​​private development, the fire began, Gazogin was destroyed. One of the burning homes saved a woman with a baby. There were also two more victims who did not need medical care.

It should be noted that the American Institute for the Study of the War in the report of April 20 warned that the Russians are activating offensive operations in the next few weeks, as well as the intensity of missile attacks, as Ukraine is experiencing an acute shortage The "window" of opportunities. According to analysts, the occupiers hope to destroy the Ukrainian energy system with rocket and drone attacks to force Ukraine to fight the humanitarian crisis in parallel with defense operations.

We will remind, on April 20 Russian troops fired the industrial district of Kharkiv and region. An 83-year-old man was killed in Vovchansk as a result of mino-explosive injuries. The invaders were also killed in a 9-storey building. The third entrance of the structure was destroyed. On the same day, the House of Representatives supported a bill, which provides for different types of assistance to Ukraine for more than $ 60 billion. Ukraine will receive these funds on a loan.