
Mobilized Russians often voluntarily choose death: military explained why (video)

Ukrainian commander Stanislav Krasnov said that the invaders often put their hands on the front line. He explained that such a decision of hostile fighters pushes the awareness of his future. The Armed Forces of the Armed Forces commit suicide on the front because of fear, and they are not afraid of Ukrainian defenders. On July 18, the platoon commander of the AFSU Stanislav Krasnov told about it on the air of the Telelorphone on July 18.

He explained that in the Toretsky direction the Russian military often do not take their wounded. "According to our intelligence, according to the prisoners, they do not take away the wounded here. They make them move forward," the commander said. According to him, it happens that wounded invaders cannot move and lie after the battle for several days. The evacuation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is almost not carried out. "They are thrown just forward without being able to go back.

The only opportunity to go back from them is probably successfully completed the combat task, stay for a while and may be replaced there after a long time," Krasnov said. He reported that the Russian command threatens its fighters to shoot for retreats and holds the word. In addition, invaders can punish physically - beat, tie, and more. "That is, they are really afraid of even more than ours, so they go forward.

In addition, they are twisted very ideologically so that they do not seem captured," the commander emphasized. He explained that because of this, Russians often commit suicide on the front line. For example, the invader can get a serious injury, but knows that it will not be evacuated and will not be able to go out. Then he chooses to shoot, so that he is not captured.