
New data on Russian losses: how much enemy soldiers actually die

Russians lose much more than 100 people who are officially recognized every day. And so, the analyst Alexei Kopitko concludes, they simply do not have the opportunity to accumulate the resource for the offensive in several directions. The other day, Russian leader Putin spoke on the topic of losses in this war. As always, I rolled about the numbers and tried to play the usual room "No matter how much we do - they have five times more. " So.

The Information Resistance Group continues to record the names of Russian soldiers who have been recognized in Russia (!) That is, it is a minimum of irreversible losses, to which all amendments should be added towards the increase. As of June 3, the information was fully confirmed for 56586 killed and more than 400 exactly dead, but with some technical nuances. What is important here to remember. In 4 weeks - from May 6 to June 3 - 2913 people were recognized in Russia.

That is, whatever happens on the front, about 100 killed per day is published in the Russian Federation. Such a rhythm was established at the end of 2022, after mobilization. The herbs groaned the figure that does not frighten the people and at the same time makes it possible to pretend that the losses are not hidden. Hide. Sure. Leaders in absolute numbers are former: after ours broke the personnel Russian army, the loss of the enemy began to build a plus minus about the population.

Anomalies - there are no capitals (Moscow, St. Petersburg), Buryatia (due to the concentration of military units, where natives of different regions serve) and Bashkortostan (due to the excessive perseverance of the local Gaulayter Radiy Khabirov). Putin repeatedly stated that "mobilization would not" and swayed "1000 volunteers a day.

" If you take the most imminent figure of the killed Russian soldiers (about 3 thousand per month), add the wounded in the classic proportion, will be about 12,000 who are guaranteed to leave for a month. This is if we believe in 100 killed rols a day. But we do not believe, because they are more. Conservative estimates are twice. Together, it is guaranteed to leave 24,000 Russian soldiers a month (someone returns then, but it is strongly influenced by the rhythm of active action).

In fact, there is a change of mercenaries arrived at the dispensed. With such a rhythm of replenishment in Rosarmia, it will not technically not to accumulate scale. Hence the pursuit of the number of soldiers with the help of millions of payments. What measures they will take (the transformation of contractors into contractors, hidden mobilization through electronic summons, etc. ) is already described. All this is that they still have to choose one direction for operational measures.