
Strengthening mobilization: Who from July 1 can be taken to the army full of list

According to the changes made, since July 1, in particular, they will not have the right to defer from mobilization "limited" citizens, as well as some categories of students. From July 1, Ukraine has changed the rules according to which military persons are given a deferral from mobilization. Some categories will lose the opportunity to delay the call to the army. About it writes TSN. The list of conscripts who dated May 18, 2024 are not subject to the conscription specified in Art.

23 of the Law "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization". This list includes: from July 1, 2024, in accordance with the adopted changes in the rules of mobilization in Ukraine, the right to delay from conscription will no longer have: Recall that on June 28, "The" Forensic New that employees of territorial centers of acquisition and social support will be able to see information on unpaid fine and open enforcement proceedings for military citizens of Ukraine.