
In the Russian Federation presented "smart" work "Impulse-M" with PTRK: what is dangerous for the Armed Forces (photo)

PTRC work can destroy armored vehicles and fortifications, but in order to significantly affect the course of hostilities, such devices must be made series. In the Russian Federation, polygonal tests of a ground robotic platform with the anti-tank missile system "Impulse-M", created by Gumich "together with the State Corporation" Rostech ", began in the Russian Federation. This was told by Gumich CEO Alexander Gavrilov in an interview with the Russian TASS news agency.

Oleksandr Gavrilov said that the "Impulse-M" moves on the caterpillars and can carry 500 kilograms of reference. On the trailer, the robot is able to pull another 1. 5 tons of cargo. The platform is positioned as universal - it can be installed on various combat modules, use it for remote mines, cargo transportation and evacuation of the wounded. The reduced prototype was previously tested on the battlefield.

According to the manufacturer, "Impulse-M" is equipped with a management system developed in Russia. The system includes elements of artificial intelligence (AI), so the ground robot can operate automatically when performing combat and logistics missions. A multivariate communication system with the operator has also been developed for the drone, which makes the device resistant to electronic suppression. In case of interruption, the robot can return to the base on its own.

According to Russian military expert Viktor Murakhovsky, combat modules with anti -tank missile complexes and grenade launchers can be used to destroy armored vehicles and fortifications. PTRC calculations should be constantly moved due to the threat of fire in response, so the work with the PTRC in this sense will be more stable. At the same time, the expert urged to produce "Impulse-M" robots and supply them with large parties of the Russian army.

"Their appearance in the war zone in the form of individual samples or small groups of complexes is unlikely to significantly affect the course of hostilities," says Viktor Murakhovsky. We will remind, in March last year the former head of "Roscosmos" Dmitry Rogozin showed a test of land work "marker", on which the Russians installed four PTRC "Cornet" at once. For its part, the forces of Ukraine's defense use unearthly "rage" robots equipped with tank machine guns.